Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 7th -11th, 2016, Educational Diagnosticians' Week

"Making a DIFFERENCE in the Lives of Students with Special Needs"

"A rigorous and well' rounded education places young Texans firmly on the path to success.  For some children, learning new things and succeeding in their classes is a smooth process.  For others, additional of specialized instruction is necessary for maximum success. when this happens: educational diagnosticians play a vital role." - Gov. Greg Abbot

Educational Diagnosticians share an ability to assess and diagnose the learning problems of students.
They are a part of a multidisciplinary team who utilize their particular skills and areas of expertise to make the best decisions for placing students with learning problem.  They also provide support to personnel who counsel the children and consult with teachers, parents, and others on the child's progress.

Therefore, in an effort to recognize the important efforts of these folks, a week in March is designated each year as Educational Diagnostician' Week.

Let us take the time to encourage all of our EPISD family to recognize the important efforts of our diagnosticians.  Their hard work contributes to the future of our students