Thursday, February 27, 2014

C.C. Winn Winterguard WOWS in San Antonio

On Saturday, February 22nd, the C.C. Winn Winterguard,  sponsored by Mr. Carlos Vela, traveled San Antonio, Texas to compete at the Festival of Colors hosted by Madison High School.  They competed with a show entitled “Citizens of the Planet” in the Scholastic Regional AAA Classification.  They placed 2nd place overall and missed 1st place by less than one point!

Based on the unit’s scores and level of achievement this past competition, the unit exceeded the expectations of the Scholastic Regional AAA class and beginning with the contest Saturday, March 1 at Jourdanton HS, they will be promoted to Scholastic Regional AA. 

Performers include: Karla Sanchez 12th, Rolando Garcia 11th, Jesse de los Santos 11th, Celeste Cortinas 12th, Sonia Laredo 12th, Clarissa Longoria 12th, Alexis Rivas 12th, Kasandra Gutierrez 12th, Bianca Perez 11th, Emely Perez 11th, Angelica Beltran 11th, Andy Jimenez 10th, Stephanie Treviño 10th, Isabella Lopez 10th, and Vianney Gonzalez 9th.

Monday, February 24, 2014

March School Board Meeting

The Eagle Pass Independent School District will be changing the date and the location for their monthly School Board Meeting this March. 

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18 at the De Luna Center located at 649 Webster St.

Memorial Junior High takes 1st in District UIL Academics

On February 15th, Memorial Junior High traveled to Laredo, TX, and competed in their district UIL Academics competition, at Lamar Middle School.

Both 7th and 8th grade as a tram, received first place in sweepstake points.  The 7th grade team earned 221 points, and 8th grade earned 281 sweepstakes.

This is the fourth year in a row that Memorial Junior High School UIL Academic takes first in district for both grade levels.


Congratulations to all that participated

EPHS Exemplary Volunteer, Lynn B. Balderas

Lynn Balderas, 17, a sophomore at Eagle Pass High School has been honored for his exemplary volunteer service with a Certificate of Excellence from Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, and with President’s volunteer Service Award granted by the program on behalf of President Barack Obama.

Presented annually be Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The Award honors young people across America.
Certificates of Excellence are granted to the top 10 percent of all Prudential Spirit of Community Award applicants in each state.
Presidents Volunteer Service award recognize Americans of all ages who have volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve their communities and their country

Eagle Pass High School nominated Lynn B. Balderas for national honors this fall in recognition of his volunteer service.  By going above and beyond in his volunteer service, Lynn has brought about a positive change to his school and our community.

Liberty Elementary along with 24 Texas schools nominated for 2014 National Blue Ribbon Honors

The Texas Education Agency announced today the nomination of 25 Texas public schools for national 2014 Blue Ribbon Schools recognition.  Founded in 1982, Blue Ribbon Schools is a U.S. Department of Education program that recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students perform at very high levels.
The nominated schools in Texas include Eagle Pass’ very own Liberty Elementary.
All schools that have been nominated for the 2014 honor were selected as exemplary high performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests. Each school has an economically disadvantaged population of 40 percent or greater.
The nominated schools must now complete a rigorous application process through the U.S. Department of Education.  Announcements of the national award winners will be made in September 2014.  Schools that receive the award are recognized at the Blue Ribbon School conference in Washington, D.C.
Congratulations on the excellent service Liberty Elementary is providing to their students.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

EPISD Teacher of the Month- Carmen Bres

The Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community.  The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Mrs. Carmen Bres, a seventh grade Math teacher at Memorial Junior High, is the “Teacher of the Month” for February 2014.  Carmen was recognized for her commitment and dedication to teaching mathematics.  She makes extra time for all of her students, and celebrates even their smallest successes.  She dedicates many hours in preparing her material, lesson plans and improving her teaching strategies.  Carmen is the first secondary teacher to receive this honor.  This veteran educator has been a mathematics teacher for 19 years and a majority of her teaching career has been at Memorial Junior High.  She is best known for her positive attitude, caring insight, and love of her subject.

A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of February detailing many more accomplishments of Mrs. Bres.  A teacher will be selected each month through June 2014 for a total of nine (9) honorees.  

The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovativeness of the program/techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.

 This month we would like to thank our sponsors, Wal-Mart, O’ Berry’s Frozen Yogurt and Ancira Ford – Eagle Pass.  

February is CTE Month

February is Career and Technical Education Month. There are so many courses offered within the  EPISD that prepare students for college and the workforce.
Inform yourself, Educate yourself, and you too could become a professional.

Monday, February 17, 2014

EPISD FFA Competes in San Antonio Livestock Show

The world of showing livestock can be best described as hours and hours of demanding work followed by a few of the most important seconds of a student’s life.

Students from the Eagle Pass FFA that participated got a feel for that experience this past week while participating in the San Antonio Livestock Show in San Antonio, Texas. The competition took place on February 10-13, 2014.  Several students from both C.C. Winn High School and Eagle Pass High School traveled to San Antonio to compete in the Lamb and Goat Show. 

Competition is extremely steep at this level and so we are very proud to announce that two students placed and made the sale in San Antonio.  The San Antonio Stock Show is a unique event not only for its size but also because the revenue a student can earn is uncapped. Students will earn 100 percent of the money for their auctioned livestock, which will go toward his or her college scholarship fund. Students can also put some of their earnings toward raising next year’s crop of livestock. The San Antonio Stock Show itself has grown to be one of the largest and most prestigious single events in San Antonio and one of the toughest showing competitions in the state.

Placing 4th with her crossbred lamb was Linda Molina and placing 5th with his Medium wool lamb was Zack Molina 

Other EPISD student contestants included Orlando Nava, Jonathan Nava, Brigido Samaniego, Mano Samaniego, Gerardo Molina, and Arturo Molina who all competed with lambs.  Jessica de la Garza competed showing her goat.
With over 1500 sheep showing up this is an impressive accomplishment for both of these students. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Wishes

Happy Valentine's Day Eagle Pass ISD!! We hope it's a sweet Friday for everyone!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Continued Success for LTD Maverick Debate Team

The Maverick LD Debate Team competed in the Wimberley Speech and debate tournament on February 8, 2014. Senior team member Juan Guerra, senior Rodrigo Borrego, and sophomore Paola Garcia-Zuazua competed.  Juan Guerra won first, Rodrigo Borrego placed third, and Paola Garcia-Zuazua placed fifth.
This is the second year that Juan Guerra has won first place at the Wimberley tournament.  He went undefeated in four rounds of debate. Rodrigo Borrego and Paola Garica-Zuazua competed fabulously as well winning three matchups and losing one round each.
Congratulations on ANOTHER job well done from our Maverick Debate Team.

Riding the Bus on Valentines Day? Here's what you need to know...

Tune into iVision on Channel 16 OR on our YouTube Channel (EaglePass ISD) to find out the DO's and DON'T's while riding the school bus. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

H-E-B Announces Language Development Center as a 2014 Excellence in Education District Finalist

H-E-B today announced five early childhood facilities finalists for the retailer’s Excellence in Education Awards program.

For more than a decade, H-E-B has rewarded teachers, principals, superintendents, campuses and early childhood education providers for outstanding leadership and teaching through Excellence in Education.

LDC campus if one of five regional finalist who will be awarded with $5,000.  Now the campus will compete for even greater cash prizes and the statewide title.

 The 2014 Early Childhood Finalists are:

• Del Valle ISD Child Development Center— Del Valle, Texas

• Mainspring Schools — Austin, Texas

• Ridgemont Early Childhood Center — Houston, Texas

• Language Development Center — Eagle Pass, Texas

• ChildCareGroup Bock Early Childhood Center — Dallas, Texas

To determine overall statewide winners, a panel of judges is visiting each district, walking through campuses and visiting with administration, staff and parents this month. Winners will be announced at the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards ceremony on May 3, 2014 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Houston.
 Congratulations to LDC administration, students, and staff on this tremendous honor.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Bundle up and Drive Safe!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2013-2014 Volleyball Academic All-State Team

The following group of Lady Eagles have been selected as members of the 2013-2014 Volleyball Academic All-State Team by the Texas Girls Coaches Association:
Jaime Donley, Amanda Gonzalez, Amanda Grebenok, Camille Pina, Victoria Torralba, Clarissa Valdez, and Karina Yebra.
Congratulations to this outstanding group of young ladies.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

EPHS Course Fair

Memorial Maverick Newsletter Vol.1

FAFSA Session at EPHS

Financial aid sessions will be held on February 5th and 6th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the College and Career Center at Eagle Pass High School. Interested EPHS students and parents need to sign up in the College and Career Center to attend a 30 minute session.
In addition, U.T.S.A. will be visiting our campus on Monday, February 10th. There will be an opening ceremony starting at 10 a.m. by the girl's gymnasium. Students or parents interested in attending may sign up in the College and Career Center at Eagle Pass High School.


National School Counseling Week

This week is National School Counseling Week and we want to say a huge thank you to our Eagle Pass ISD counselors for their tremendous work each day supporting our students.

Monday, February 3, 2014

C.C. Winn Hosts CTE Night

The  Eagle Pass Career and Technology Program doesn’t let C.C. Winn students just choose a career program — they set them on a path to become competitive in that career.

Parents you are invited to attend the 2014 Career and Technical Education Night hosted by C.C.Winn HS. Join in and learn how your child can have a head start on other graduates as they enter the real world prepared for college, post-secondary training and even a career.
Interested? If so, then you are welcome to attend  Career and Technical Education Night to be held at the C.C. Winn cafeteria Wednesday February 5, 2014 at 5:30.

Inform yourself  and help launch your child's career and maximize their potential.

El departamento de Educación de Carreras Tecnicas del Distrito Escolar cordialmente invita a los padres de familia a que nos acompañen este 5 de Febrero  a partir de las 5:30pm para que sean participes y ayuden a sus hijos a tomar control de sus clases y su futuro .

C.C Winn High School  sera anfitríon de este evento Annual.  Venga y informese como su hijo puede tomar ventaja de nuestro programa y no solo obtener su diploma sino tambien  una certificacion al finalizar sus estudios.  Esto  le garantiza un mejor sueldo, mejorar  las habilidades que se necesitan para sobresalir en sus carreras futuras , al igual que  poder cumplir con las demandas de la industria.
Su hijo/hija puede tener una ventaja muy notable sobre otros graduados si aprovecha esta oportunidad..

Unase a nosotros !  Solo hace falta que su hijo/hija escoja que programa le interesa, se inscriba y lo lleve a cabo hasta obtener su certificacion.
Ayudenos a  propagar esta información!

Queremos que todos tomen ventaja de esta gran oportunidad.  Es gratuita solo si la toma como estudiante del distrito escolar.
Informese y ayude a orientar a su hijo/hija hacia una carrera tecnica.


C.C. Winn StuCo is highlighting a real problem nationwide. Being Bullied can result in severe outcomes such as physical violence, depression, isolation from peers, low self esteem and suicide.
In an attempt to bring awareness to different forms of bullying, C.C Winn Student Council is promoting #IMPACT week at C.C Winn High School starting on Monday, February 3rd. 
Each day is assigned to a type of bullying that has been researched to have very high percentages of students affected all over the United States. 


Purple Monday:  LGBTQ Bullying Awareness  (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning)

Red Tuesday: Verbal & Physical Bullying Awareness (Gossip, rumors, teasing, taunting, threatening, violence, etc.)

Blue Wednesday: Cyber Bullying Awareness (Texting, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Yellow Thursday: Suicide Awareness (When bullying pushes you past your limit)
Spirit Friday: We stand together as Mavericks! (Anything with school name or logo or colors)

Winn Debaters Advance to State Competition

C.C. Winn High School has qualified two students for the 2013-14, University Interscholastic League State Cross-Examination to be held March 10-15 at The University of Texas at Austin.
Qualifiers include: Cinthia Alvarado and Salvador Villagomez
These students qualify for the state meet by placing first at the UIL Cross- Examination District Meet held at Alexander High School in Laredo, Texas on Saturday, February 1st.

Through participation the UIL Academic State Meet, these students now qualify for Texas Interscholastic League Foundation Scholarships.

EPHS Awards 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll Students

On Friday, January 31st EPHS students were treated to a small prize giveaway for there honor roll status during their lunch. Prizes included electronic accessories, fragrances and three Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Devices.

All student were commended and encouraged to continue striving towards good grades and academic success.