Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kirchner Knows How to Make a Garden Grow

Kirchner Elementary not only teaches their students about nature, they go out and make it happen. With the grand help of campus counselor, Ms. Sonia Tapia, Kirchner has created The Kirchner Community Garden right on their very land. The garden teaches students and the surrounding community about the plant system, gardening, the plant life style, sustainability, environmental studies, hunger and so much more. 
Each area of the garden was strategically assigned to different grade levels to plant various vegetables and the land was tilled by a parent volunteer and their own machinery. The seeds were planted during the spring season and now during the course of summer, they all take part in watering and clearing weeds that threaten their harvest. Kirchner is very excited for their students to come back to school and see what they planted has turned into. 
Kirchner Elementary would like to express extreme gratitude to all who contributed to the success of their garden, especially the students.
Garden Assignments
Pre-Kinder: Chile & Herb Plants
Kinder: Herb Variety
1st & 2nd: Bean Plants
3rd: Peanuts
4th & 6th: Pumpkins
5th: Zucchinis


Monday, July 18, 2016

Lista recomendada de útiles escolares 2016-2017

Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass
Lista recomendada de útiles escolares
Útiles para Pre-Kinder y Kindergaten

2 Lápices #2 (K)                              1 Botella de gel anti-gérmenes
1 Lápiz grande (PK)                            1 Caja de colores (PK cantidad de 8; K-24)
1 Paquete de platos de papel                  4 Carpetas con embolse
1 Cuadernos espirales (70 paginas) (K-3)      1 Caja de bolsas para almacenamiento (gal)
2 Botella de pegamento (4 oz)                1 Caja de bolsas para almacenamiento (cuarto)
1 Caja de marcadores (cantidad de 8)        1 Caja de pañuelos
1 Tijeras sin punta (Fiskar’s)                  1 Caja de toallitas desinfectantes
1 Caja para útiles (K)                         1 Botello de jabón antibacterial
1 Paquete de bolsas de papel (PK)             1 Carpeta de una pulgada
1 Desinfectante en aerosol
Por Favor, No Traigan Mochilas.

Útiles para Grados 1˚ – 3˚

1 Mochila                                      2 Paquetes de paginas sueltas (renglón ancho)
5 Cuadernos espirales (70 paginas)            7 Carpetas de color con embolse
2 Paquetes de lápices #2                      2 Borradores
1 Caja para útiles                              1 Caja de colores (cuenta de 24)
1 Regla                                        1 Tijeras
2 Botellas pegamento o 1 pegamento en tubo 1 Caja de pañuelos
2 Botella gel anti-gérmenes                   1 Sacapuntas manual con tapa  
1 Caja de bolsas para almacenamiento (gal)    1 Caja de toallitas desinfectantes
1 Caja de bolsas para almacenamiento (cuarto) 1 Caja de colores lavables (colores clásicos)
1 Desinfectante en aerosol
Por Favor, No Traigan Carpetas con Cierre.

Útiles para Grados 4˚ – 6˚

1 Mochila                                      2 Paquetes de paginas sueltas (Renglón ancho)
5 Cuadernos espirales (70 paginas)            2 Pegamento o una pegamento de liquido
1 Paquete de lápices #2                       1 Paquete de lápices de colores
2 Borradores                                   1 Par de tijeras
1 Caja de colores (cualquier tamaño)          1 Caja de pañuelos (Kleenex)
1 Sacapuntas manual con tapa                 1 Bolsa plástica con cierre
3 Plumas (rojo necesario y cualquier otro color)   1 Marcador fluorescente
1 Caja de colores lavables                     8 Carpetas de color con embolse
1 Botella de gel anti-gérmenes                1 Desinfectante en aerosol
Por Favor, No Traigan Carpetas con Cierre.

2016 - 2017 School Supply List (English)

Eagle Pass Independent School District
Recommended School Supply List
Pre-Kinder & Kindergarten Supplies

1 Jumbo Pencil (Pre-K)                        1 Bottle of Gel Hand Sanitizer  
2 #2 Pencils (Kinder)                          1 Box of Crayons (PK-8 count/Kinder 24 count)
1 Binder 1” (Kinder)                           4 Pocket Folders
1 Spiral Notebooks (70 count) (Kinder-3)     1 Box of Storage Bags (Gal. Size)
2 Bottle of Glue (4 oz)                        1 Box of Storage Bags (Quart Size)
1 Box Classic Markers (8 count)               1 Box of Tissues
1 Pair of Blunt Scissors (Fiskar’s)             1 Box of Disinfectant Wipes          
1 Disinfectant Spray                          1 School Box (Kinder)
1 Package Paper Plates                        1 Bottle Antibacterial Soap
1 Package Paper Bags                         
Please, No Back Packs!

1st – 3rd Grade Supplies

1 Back Pack                                   2 Packages Loose Leaf Paper (Wide Rule)
5 Spiral Notebooks (70 count)                7 Colored Pocket Folders w/Fasteners
2 Packages of #2 Pencils                      2 Erasers
1 School Box                                  1 Box of Crayons (24 count)
1 Ruler                                        1 Pair of Scissors 
2 Glue Sticks or 1 Bottle of Glue              1 Box of Tissues
2 Bottles of Gel Hand Sanitizer               1 Hand Held Sharpener w/Cover
1 Box Storage Bags (Gal. Size)               1 Box of Disinfecting Wipes
1 Box Storage Bags (Qt. Size)                1 Box of Washable Colors (Classic Colors)
1 Disinfectant Spray
Please, No Trapper Keepers!

4th – 6th Grade Supplies

1 Back Pack                                   2 Loose Leaf Paper (Wide Rule)
5 Spiral Notebooks (70 count)                2 Glue Sticks or 1 Liquid Glue
1 Packages of #2 Pencils                      1 Package of Map Colors
2 Erasers                                      1 Pair of Scissors
1 Box of Crayons (any size)                   2 Box of Tissues (Kleenex)
1 Box of Disinfecting Wipes                   1 Zipper Supply Bag
1 Hand Held Sharpener w/Cover              1 Box of Washable Markers
3 Pens (red required & any other color)      1 Highlighter
8 Colored Pocket Folders w/Fasteners        2 Bottles Gel Hand Sanitizer
1 Disinfectant Spray

Please, No Trapper Keepers or Zippered Binders!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Back to School Health Fair Dates

  Below are the dates for the Annual Back to School Health Fair. They will be available at 3 different locations; International Center for Trade, El Indio Community Center, and Kirchner Elementary.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

2016 - 2017 Most Spirited School Competition

This upcoming school year, Eagle Pass Independent School District will be hosting its first annual Most Spirited School Competition. The purpose of this competition is to rally district morale and increase opportunities for the students and teachers to showcase their school’s individual talents. There are great things happening in our district and this is the opportunity to show our peers.

The Most Spirited School Competition will be points based which are outlined below. The competition will commence at Convocation, August 18th 2016 and conclude May 5th 2017. The top 5 schools as of May 5th 2017 will be featured in the End of Year video, as well as recognized at the End of the Year Ceremony. It will be at the End of the Year Ceremony where the Most Spirited School will be announced and awarded with the coveted EPISD traveling Spirit Stick and a banner to be hung at your school announcing your campus as “The 2016 – 2017 Most Spirited School”.

·         Pep Rally: 5 pts (20 pt Cap)
·         Specialized Campus Event: 10 pts
·         iVision filmed Event: 5pts (20 pt Cap)
·         District blog information sent to iVision: 5pts
·         District blog information sent to iVision with PICTURE: 10pts
·         Videos sent to iVision (#yourshotsmatter): 15 pts
·         Community Involvement: 15 pts
·         Participation at District Activities: 10 pts

The first opportunity to begin obtaining points will be at Roll Call at Convocation. When your school is called during Roll Call, points will be awarded to the most creative and spirited campuses.