Monday, March 24, 2014

Memorial Junior High HERO

Hero MJH janitor Mr.Tovar sprang into action this Monday when he saw student gasping for air in the cafeteria.

Ryan Namapee, an 8th grade student at Memorial Jr. High, was choking during lunch and could not breathe.  Mr. Tovar was on duty and noticed Ryan struggling.  He came to Ryan’s aid and assisted him by slapping him on the back until the food was dislodged. 

At Memorial Junior High custodians are also known as Blue Angels because of all they do to help keep our school running smoothly. In addition to their other duties, they are on duty and monitor every day during lunch. 

Tovar exemplifies the best in public education in general, and Eagle Pass in particular. The moral imperative that guides his life is the safety of the children who attend MJH. His selfless act could very well have saved this young man's life. We are fairly certain that Tovar would say that he was just doing his job, but every parent is certainly thankful for people like Tovar who are looking after the safety and welfare of their children.

 We want to thank Mr. Tovar for his quick action.  He knew what needed to be done and remained calm while assisting the student.