Friday, February 27, 2015

Congrats Winn Winter Guard

Congratulations to the Striking Silver Guard from C.C. Winn High School.  On Saturday, February 21, 2015  Winn Winter Guard, sponsored by Mr. Carlos Vela, traveled to Madison High School in San Antonio, Texas to participate in the Festival of Colors and competed against eleven groups from the San Antonio area. Our Winter Guard team obtained 1st place with their show “In Any Other World”.
The Winter Guard team consists of:
Captain: Rolando Garcia
Co-Captains: Stephanie Treviño and Jesse De Los Santos,
Emely Perez, Bianca Perez, Angie Beltran, John Padilla, Brianna Martinez, Vianney Gonzalez, Alejandra Arriaga, Laura Rivera, Anissa Gonzalez, Jose Morales, Brianna Monreal

Managers: Kassandra Gonzalez, Andrea Curi, Maria Guzman, Jon Luc Mendez, Kassandra Sandoval, and Alexia Villarreal.



The students of Eagle Pass Independent School District (EPISD) are once again on the move to help promote the Career & Technical Education / Arts, Audio Video Technology & Communication Department’s popular Frontera Film Festival further north from Eagle Pass.
The Frontera Film Festival was founded in 2010 by C.C.Winn High School Media
Technology teacher Jessie F. Fuentes to help fill a void that was not being fulfilled for
students who enjoyed digital short film production in a competitive manner. The festival
entries have grown exponentially from the first festival which had 16 short films to
2014’s record 185 entries.

The Frontera Film Festival Pub (publicity) Tour gives students from Eagle Pass Independent
Digital Production classes and opportunity to venture out on a collaborative effort to
reach out personally to other school districts throughout the region and invite them to
experience the amazing and exciting things that are occurring within the realm of digital
short film production in the Eagle Pass ( INDIE )pendent School District. (Tour dates:
March 1, 2, 3, 2015 - Visiting John D. Connally H.S. in Pflugerville , Cedar Creek H.S. in
Bastrop, South San High School, Harlandale H.S., McCollum H.S. in San Antonio )

The Tour takes students from EPISD on a whirlwind tour of other Digital Media
Production classes, not only to make a professional presentation at these particular high
schools, but to invite them to submit entries and to visit the festival when it occurs in the
middle of May. The students that travel on this fascinating journey of knowledge and
networking capabilities are required to be at their best.

The presentation involves students using their talent and skills in communications. They
are required to prepare a professional presentation that is 45-60 minutes long / and will
involve several aspects of Apple Technology, i.e. smart phones, iPads, MacBook Pro
Laptop, Quicktime Software, Final Cut Pro Professional Editing Software, Keynote
Presentation Software, along with the talents of several musically inclined guitar

This year’s Frontera Film Festival Pub Tour Members are:







Thursday, February 19, 2015

C.C. Winn HS and Eagle Pass HS perform at the State Capital

C.C Winn High School's Mariachi Toro Azabache along with EPHS Mariachi were asked to perform on February 17, 2015 on Eagle Pass Day at the State Capitol in Austin, Texas. 

The Eagle Pass Independent School District is very proud of the talent that was showcased and we are certain that the students had an incredible experience performing in Austin.  

We are exceedingly proud of all of our students and what they have been able to accomplish with hard work, dedication, and pure love of the music. 


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Congratulations to our Food Service Department and Staff!

The EPISD Food Services Department supports the educational goals of the District by providing nutritious, appealing meals to the students of this community.  

On January 21, 2015, the Food Service Department received a review from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).  TDA reviews and audits food services every 5 years in Performance Standards, Claiming, Eligibility, Certifications, Benefit Issuance, Meal Components and Menu Items.
The EPISD Child Food Service Department met 171 of 173 standards.  This is an outstanding job by Hector Vielma, Food Service Director, and our Food Service Staff!  The Texas Department of Agriculture was very pleased with  our staff, food quality and records management.  

Congratulations and thank you to the EPISD Food Service Staff!  We know that you are committed to safeguarding the health and well-being off all of our students.  We appreciate your support and dedication to the students of EPISD.

Check out the ladies of Food Service in Action:

Monday, February 16, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EPISD Teacher of the Month- Alejandra Martinez

The Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community.  The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Miss Alejandra Martinez, of Memorial Junior High School, has been selected as the “EPISD Teacher of the Month” for February.  This Texas A&M graduate, who has her Masters in Science, teaches Pre-AP and regular Science classes at MJH.  Miss Martinez is an excellent example of teaching far past the classroom.  As a grade level leader, she continuously goes beyond what is expected of her as an educator.  She is a leader in her Professional Learning Community and is eager to share her resources, knowledge and skills with her peers.   Miss Martinez certainly is exceptional at her craft, as she "hooks" her students by making Science curriculum come alive. 
This life-long learner uses her summers to extend her own education in order to share new knowledge with co-workers and her students.   She has attended G-camp for Texas A&M to extend her knowledge in Geology, participated and went aboard the Nautilus Ship as an Educator-at-Sea, and received the Outstanding Teacher Presentation Award at the Geological Society of America.  Her professionalism extends outside of Memorial Junior High as well, presently Miss Martinez is writing curriculum for 2nd and 6th grade teachers of Sam Houston Elementary.  She sponsors the Science UIL Team, the National Junior Honor Society, and she helps with the Eco-Club.   She is a perfect role model for students and teachers alike.  Success takes dedication, and a great deal of expertise to lure kids into learning, and Miss Martinez has managed to find the perfect combination of “fun and fantastic.”  Great teachers like Alejandra challenge, motivate, and inspire.  It is those characteristics that have awarded her the title of Teacher of the Month.

A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of February detailing many more accomplishments of Miss Alejandra Martinez.  This month she will also appear on community media, news publications and the EPISD website throughout February 2015.

A teacher will be selected each month through June 2015 for a total of nine (9) honorees.  The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovativeness of the program/techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting.  Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.

This month we would like to thank our sponsors, Mondragon Real Estate, Ancira Ford – Eagle Pass and Ashley Furniture.

MJH Eco-Club Cleaning up the Mess.

The MJH Eco-Club is great at volunteering and contributing time to make positive changes in our community.  Some of this club’s activities include: trash pickup and paper pickup.  This past weekend they were eager to make a difference on their beloved campus of Memorial Junior High. 

On Saturday, February 7, a team of students worked together for hours to pick up trash around their campus. 

Being a small footprint in an overall ecofriendly world is an idea the club holds dear.  MJH Eco- Club believes it can make a difference in our community by addressing issues starting on a campus level.

The names below are the students in the group picture
Samantha Gonzalez, Elizabeth Luna, Luis Ainslie, Aliyah Hurtado ,Victoria Barrientos

Monday, February 9, 2015

CC Winn Mighty Maverick Cheer Squad

Congratulations to all the cheer squads from Eagle Pass who competed at Nationals in San Antonio, TX this past weekend!!!
A HUGE CONGRATS to the MAVERICK CHEER SQUAD who performed and came in 2nd place out of 5 tough competing schools! 

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Crane Wife

Congratulations to the MJH One Act Play competitors!

Our One Act Play presented an outstanding performance of "The Crane Wife".  Awards received were: Best Actor-Andres Ruiz as "the neighbor", All Star Cast- AnaLaura De La Garza and Stephanie Avila, Honorable Mention Cast-Adriel Mendoza, and All Star Crew-Miguel Lira. 

In overall district competition, the 7th grade earned 1st place Sweepstakes and the 8th grade earned 2nd place Sweepstakes!  Congratulations to all MJH students who participated  and  their coaches for a job well done! 

MJH UIL coaches this year are: Sonia Frausto, Veronica Pena, Luisa Perez, Lupita Esquivel, Norma Tapia, Erica Esquivel, and Ale Martineza.  Directors: Gerardo Lopez, Adrian Ordaz, and Melissa Hernandez

High Stunners S T U N in San Antonio

Congratulations to the Memorial Jr. High Stunners Dance Team for an outstanding performance at the San Antonio Spurs Dance Competition! 

They were presented with the Division I Team Performance Award, the Outstanding Showmanship Award, and 1st Place Best in Category Middle School Division. 

The members of the dance team are Aaliyah Corona, April Cordova, Katalyna Vasquez, Iris Ramirez, Jaqueline Ramos, Stephanie Mendoza, Kayla Sanchez, Kaylee Sepulveda, Britney Martinez, Reyhitza Marquez, Lupita Farias, and Daisy Fuentes. 

 Way to go, girls!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Way to go Ty!

Eagle Pass High School  Senior, Brian Ty Chisum, signed a letter of  intent with Texas A&M at Kingsville, Texas yesterday, February 4, 2015.  His parents David and Patty Chisum, along with brothers Kevin and Richard, are very proud of his athletic and academic accomplishments. 
Ty, plans to play football and run track with the "Hogs" while maintaining a successful academic record.  It is a balance that he is certain he will be able to maintain and fulfill to the best of his ability.
The Eagle Pass High School  Administration and staff  is certain he will have an abundant future and wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors. 
 "Ty" has proven to be a exemplary well rounded student with endless potential.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Friendly Reminder from the Transportation Department

Valentine’s Day on the School Bus

With the upcoming event of St. Valentine’s Day approaching, I would like to take this time to remind everyone of what is allowed on board the school bus and what is not. ALL balloons or large items that would take up a seat and obstruct the view of the bus driver are prohibited inside of the school bus. Valentine arrangements that can be placed on a students’ lap, without proving to be a distraction to the bus driver, will be permitted. The school bus driver will determine if an item is permitted or not. If a student brings an item onto the school bus that is prohibited, the bus driver will ask the student to leave the item at the campus front desk for parent pickup.

If you have any questions, please contact the office of the Transportation Department at 830.773.3725.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Winn Advance to State 5A CX Debate Tournament

This past Saturday, the 2015 District 29-5A Cross Examination Debate Contest was hosted at C. C. Winn High School.  The top two debate teams and an alternate team were selected to compete in the State 5A CX Debate Tournament in March.

After three rounds of preliminary debate, the teams of Adrian Gonzalez & Issac Turrubiate and Erik Chavarria & Juan Ortiz advanced to finals along with two teams from Laredo Nixon High School.

After the final two rounds of debate, the team of Adrian Gonzalez and Issac Turrubiate earned first place gold medals and were declared the 2015 District 29-5A CX Debate Champions.  The team of Erik Chavarria and Juan Ortiz earned the third place bronze medals and were named alternates for the state contest next month.   The first and third place victories by the Winn debaters earned the First Place CX Debate Team Plaque for C. C. Winn.  This is the first time this award has been earned by Winn debaters.

All teams are deserving of congratulations for the grueling preparation and a job well done in a testy contest that lasted almost 12 hours.  Thank those participants for all of their hard work representing our school and for the preparation they will make for the upcoming state championship contest in Austin during the third week of March.

Book Drive Challenge

The Eagle Pass Girl Scout Troop #1016 was the proud winner of the H-E-B Read 3 Community Organization Book Drive Challenge.  The purpose of the book drive was to place books in the hands of as many Texas children as possible, to re-distribute children's books into Texas communities that desperately need them and to provide Texas children with the chance to read 3 times a week and be better prepared for school and learning.

As part of the troop's Bronze Award Project- Feed the Mind (literacy), Feed the Body (food pantry) and Feed the Soul (church)  The troop collected 452 new and gently used children's books.  A $1,000.00 cash grant was awarded and will be used to enhance the troop's project.

Junior Troop Girl Scouts participating were Jo Ann Mynar Melendrez, Ximena Perez, Sophia Ballesteros, Kristina Ramirez, Demi Camarillo, Emily Smith, Rashel de la Garza, Gloria Garcia, Kamilla Rodriguez, Daisy Rivas, Lauren Leonard, and Valerie Munoz.  Troop leader Tracy S. Mynar Assistant Troop Leaders, Lorena Perez and Azalia Rabago would like to thank parents and families of Girl Scouts, and Lana Harper for all their assistance and support in recycling and redistributing new books and old books and especially H-E-B for providing these opportunities to promote leadership, and community awareness and literacy.


Early Release for Perfecto Mancha Elementary

A broken water line at Perfecto Mancha has caused EPISD to send students home early Tuesday, February 3, 2015, and cancel classes for the afternoon.

Early dismissal time is 1:15 p.m. for all Perfecto Mancha students.  After lunch EPISD buses will begin picking up students who are on campus and returning them to their homes.

EPISD plans to resume classes tomorrow morning after assurance that service will be restored to the campus.

Monday, February 2, 2015

All that WINN JAZZ

CC Winn HS Band competed at the TMEA All Region Tryouts on December 13, 2014 and had 30 students qualify for the All Region Clinic/Concert on January 22-23, 2015. The program had over 100 students participate in the tryout and the 30 students that made the all region band are the most that have ever qualified for region.

All Region Qualifiers:  Piccolo-Angie Beltran; Oboe – Abel Gonzalez; Flutes- Stephanie Martinez, Isabella Lopez, Edward Rosales, Reese Lujan;  Clarinets-Jesus Chavarria, John Padilla, Amado Esqueda; Alto Clarinet – Ivana Muza; Contra Alto Clarinet-Josselyn Guerra; Bass Clarinet – Samantha Rodriguez, Cameron Gamez; Alto Saxophone – Gustavo Villarreal; Tenor Saxophone – Jaime Luna; Baritone Saxophone – Guillermo Segura; French Horns – Noe Godinez, Jorge Vargas; Trumpets – Valentin Salinas, Elias Rivas, Heriberto Guadarrama, Stephanie Reyes, Jesus Curi, Jesus Duenes, Cesar Rodriguez; Baritone – Alberto Mendoza, Jose Morales; Trombones – Rey Morales, Gerardo Diaz; Percussion – Linda Talamantes
It's National School Counseling Week & we want to say a huge thank you to our counselors for their tremendous work each day!