Wednesday, February 11, 2015

MJH Eco-Club Cleaning up the Mess.

The MJH Eco-Club is great at volunteering and contributing time to make positive changes in our community.  Some of this club’s activities include: trash pickup and paper pickup.  This past weekend they were eager to make a difference on their beloved campus of Memorial Junior High. 

On Saturday, February 7, a team of students worked together for hours to pick up trash around their campus. 

Being a small footprint in an overall ecofriendly world is an idea the club holds dear.  MJH Eco- Club believes it can make a difference in our community by addressing issues starting on a campus level.

The names below are the students in the group picture
Samantha Gonzalez, Elizabeth Luna, Luis Ainslie, Aliyah Hurtado ,Victoria Barrientos