Thursday, October 29, 2015

JOIDES Resolution in your classroom LIVE

Alejandra Martinez teaches 7th grade science at Memorial Junior High. She is an extraordinary educator and has a real passion for science. This year she will be sailing aboard the drilling vessel the JOIDES Resolution as their Education and Outreach Officer this December and January.  The JOIDES does deep sea core drilling and collects sediment to learn about Earth's past, present, and future.  The drilling site we will be working at is off the coast of Madagascar. 
As Education and Outreach Officer she will be running their social media sites and hosting live ship to shore interactions with classrooms around the world. 

This year she is eager to share this experience with teachers and students at a campus level. Participants will get to see what life is like on a ship and they will get to view what scientists are doing live on the ship. A session lasts up to 45 minutes and can be tailored to your interest and grade level. In order to do this you will need to contact your administrator sign up for an interaction with Expedition 359.

Ask your campus principal about a live ship to shore interaction with the students at your school! Learn more about the JOIDES on their main webpage

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Spooky Storytelling at Ray H. Darr

Theater students from C.C. Winn High School visited Ray Darr Elementary on Tuesday October 27, 2015 for a “Ghoulishly Good Time!”  The Winn Theater group read Halloween storybooks for all grade levels throughout the day.  The students enjoyed hearing stories that were reenacted with drama "oozing" from each performance.  

Librarian Rosa Leticia Flores had the pleasure of hosting the Theater Arts I students along with Director Mr. Adolfo Flores Jr. at Ray H. Darr library. The Readers icluded Franky Chavarria, Ana Laura De La Garza, Mariah Longoria, Anahi Zermaeno, David Modlin, Stephanie Avila, Viviana Venegas, Victor Solis, Karenny Sepulveda, Josiah Alfaro, Zaira Sanchez, Esmeralda Ontiveros.

C.C. Winn High School performed theatric storytelling at Ray H. Darr Elementary

UPDATE: EPHS Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally

The Eagle Pass High School  Homecoming Parade is right around the corner.  Student organizations, floats, club representatives, school bands, along with cheer and dance teams will all be present to take part in the fun!
  • The EPHS Student Council would like to invite the entire community to attend on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at the Maverick County Lake.
Pre-Parade line up will begin at 5:00 pm and the Parade starts promptly at 6:00 pm, beginning and ending at the Maverick County Lake. Immediately following the Parade will be the Homecoming Pep Rally.  Families are encouraged to bring out lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the night festivities.  Join the Eagles and the EPHS family in cheering on the football team and the homecoming club representatives. 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Several Local and Federal agencies gathered at Eagle Pass Junior High as special guests of Principal Mario Escobar, to commemorate Fallen DEA Special Agent Enrique Camarena, who fell victim to the "War on Drugs" while working undercover in Guadalajara Mexico. In attendance were EPISD Trustee & EPPD Senior Motorcycle Officer Humberto Torralba II, EPISD DARE Officer Rick Flores, DEA Group Supervisor Rick Johnson, USCBP Public Affairs Officer Ethelvina Felan, and EPISD Public Relations Officer Melissa Gratkowski as the keynote speaker.

Red Ribbon rallies are held across the nation during the month of October, as a reminder of the constant dangers of drugs and where all in attendance make a drug-free pledge.


Friday, October 23, 2015


Memorial Junior High (7th and 8th) Football Games scheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2015, at the Student Activity Center (S.A.C) ARE CANCELED!

Monday, October 19, 2015

National School Bus Safety Week on October 19-23, 2015

Eagle Pass Independent School District celebrates National School Bus Safety Week on October 19-23, 2015.  Schools and safety advocates throughout the Maverick County are using the week as an opportunity to highlight the importance of school bus safety.   This week, The Texas Department Public Safety will be working side by side with our School District bus drivers to ensure public vigilance within our school zones.   Motorists should be reminded of their important role in stopping and exercising care and patience when a school bus flashes its red lights and extends its stop arm.This year’s theme, “Be smart. Be seen. I wait in a safe place!” reminds us that children aren’t just at risk when boarding or exiting a bus; they must also stand in a safe, visible space when waiting for the bus to arrive.

On Monday, October 19, 2015, troopers within Eagle Pass and across the state of Texas could be found riding on EPISD school buses looking for motorists passing stopped school buses and other crash-causing violations. This week troopers will be highly visible, enforcing the law in and around school zones and following school buses on their daily routes.

“Today, we had a total of 12 troopers ride along with 5 different EPISD busses,” said Sergeant Juan Maldonado of The Texas Department of Public Safety. “The community should be aware that although this is a weekly event, we certainly do plan on continuing our relationship with EPISD Transportation and will do this again in the spring.”
Motorists approaching a stopped school bus from either direction should remember they are required to stop a least 10 feet back from buses displaying red flashing lights and an extended stop arm. For years, school buses have provided safe access to learning for Eagle Pass school children through secure and dependable transportation to schools. School Bus Safety Week reminds students, parents and motorists of their important role in school bus safety.  More than 5000 students ride the school bus in Eagle Pass, Texas each day, with more than 26 million school children transported in 480,000 school buses nationwide.


Friday, October 16, 2015

EPISD October Teacher of the Month - Mrs. Sandra Salinas

The Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community.  The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Mrs. Sandra Salinas, of Graves Elementary, has been selected as the “Teacher of the Month” for October 2015.  Mrs. Salinas is described by her peers as an over-comer, a problem solver, an innovator, and a dynamic member of the Graves 4th grade team.  Mrs. Salinas remains current with the latest instructional strategies and technologies.  She has a natural ability to reach a troubled or struggling student with a simple, yet profound approach; using motherly instincts and empathy coupled with years of educational experience.   To say that Mrs. Salinas is a professional at her craft is an understatement.  This veteran educator with twenty years of experience under her belt is able to accelerate and challenge even her brightest students as a result of her professional development experiences.   She teaches her students to strive for excellence and nothing less, and to develop a passion and love for education.   In addition to her positive attitude, she epitomizes the definition of team player by consistently helping other teachers during difficulties with lessons or activities.  Mrs. Salinas is known for giving the best of herself on a continuous basis to the students, parents and the staff of Graves Elementary.  She is a caring, cheerful, and experienced educator who is admired by her students and respected by parents.  It is because of all these reasons that she is being awarded the title of “Teacher of the Month.”
A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of October detailing many more accomplishments of Mrs. Sandra Salinas.  This month she will also appear on community media, news publications and the EPISD website.

A teacher will be selected each month through June 2016 for a total of nine (8) honorees.  The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovativeness of the program/techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting.

Each T.O.M is receiving a “V.I.T (Very Important Teacher) Parking Pass”, a jean voucher for a month, 20 free meals at the Campus Café, and Class Cash to purchase class room supplies. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.  Thank You

Chili’s, Ancira Ford – Eagle Pass, Ashley Furniture, and Bath and Body Works.

National Night Out

On October 13th 2015, the Eagle Pass Police Department's, Detective Hazel Diaz, hosted the annual "National Night Out" at Academy Sporting Goods.  The Eagle Pass ISD Police Department was invited and Chief of Police Jose A. Ramos assigned DARE Officer Rick Flores, Officer Riosario Fuentes, and DAREN the Lion to participate and represent the agency.  
National Night Out is a community-police awareness-raising event in the United States that has been held annually since 1984.
The event is meant to increase awareness about police programs in communities, such as drug preventiontown watchneighborhood watch, and other anti-crime efforts.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thank You EPISD PrinciPALS

In honor of National Principals months, Eagle Pass Independent School District recognizes their principals for the entire month of October.

Eagle Pass Indrpendent School District recognizes their principals at tonight board meeting.  The meeting will take place at the Deluna Center, 649 Webster St.  and will begin promptly at 6:00. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

LDC Closure/Temporary Relocation of Students

October 12, 2015 - Eagle Pass Independent School District (EPISD) announces that the Learning Development Center (LDC) will relocate to Austin Elementary, while damage assessments and repairs are being made.  LDC will remain closed from Monday, October 12, through Thursday, October 15, 2015.  The education of LDC students will commence at Austin Elementary School on Friday, October 16, 2015.   Students of LDC are expected to remain at Austin Elementary for a maximum of six weeks before returning to their home based campus.   

Bus pickups will be at the same time, with a slight delay in return from school, as students will be transported home from the Austin Elementary facility.   Buses will be available for pick up each morning promptly at 8:30 a.m. from LDC.
Bus transportation can either pick up students from home, or if parents prefer, at LDC.
Currently, the Property Restoration Company “Belfor”, a leader in integrated disaster recovery and property restoration, is promptly and professionally assessing and targeting each issue due to the flooding from last Thursday.   By Belfor’s prompt and effective intervention, especially within the first 24 hours of the incident, EPISD can report that
  • Dehumidification & Drying recovery services have been provided.   A total of 50 fans have been placed in LDC, along with 20 dehumidifiers.  
  • Moisture readings are “dry” as of this morning.
  • The Micro Ban Spray called “Shockwave” has been administered throughout the entire campus as a preventative measure of removal of any microorganisms.  
  • A flood cut or removal of 3ft. of sheet rock will be removed from the campus.    
Belfor Property Restoration will provide a certificate of completion and verification of work once LDC is ready to house students.
We understand the strain that families have been under with the uncertainty of when the campus would reopen.  Working together with parents, we can help students stay safe and ensure our schools remain open.  EPISD will ensure a smooth transition for all LDC students, staff, and administration.                                                  

Friday, October 9, 2015

Now that it rained, what about tonight's games????


C.C. Winn High School football and volleyball games postponed until tomorrow at 7 PM (both) in Uvalde.

Eagle Pass High School junior varsity tennis trip to Laredo cancelled.


Classes will be cancelled district wide for ALL schools today Friday, October 9th.
Classes will resume Monday, October 12.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Anti Bullying Campaign at Glass

On October 7th 2015, Glass Elementary initiated their Anti-Bullying Campaign and several distinguished community leaders were invited, including DARE Officer Rick Flores, who gave a presentation on Anti-Bullying. 

EPISD Trustee-Humberto Torralba III
EPISD-D.A.R.E. Officer Rick Flores
EPISD-Chief's Designee Mario Hernandez
EPISD-Principal R. Rios
EPISD-Instructional Officer Timoteo Chaires
EPISD-Literacy Specialist Arianna Celedon
EPISD-Counselor Maria Soto
EPPD-Detective Hazel Diaz

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Maverick Band Gets 1st Place at Marching Contest

Capital City Marching Festival

October is typically the beginning of competition season for high school marching bands around the state.  Most bands compete at marching contests/festivals in preparation for the primary UIL Region Marching Contest.  These competitions provide the entire band the opportunity to prepare, perform, and receive constructive criticism on the band’s show/performance.  From there, bands may earn the opportunity to advance to Area Marching contest in late October and State Marching contest in early November. 

On Saturday, October 3rd, the CC Winn Maverick Band traveled to Austin, TX to compete in the Capital City Marching Contest, the first competition of our season.   The Maverick Band earned 1st Place for their performance.  The band was extremely proud of the accomplishment of coming out above groups such as Del Valle High School from Austin and Brennan High School from San Antonio, both 6A high schools.  The Maverick Band Colorguard also earned the caption award of Best Cologuard.

The Maverick Family would like to say "Thank You" to everyone who has contributed to the success of the Maverick Band Program.  The support from everyone has been extremely appreciated by all.  The staff, students, and parents will continue to work hard for our school, community, and families.

Candles For Life "Zumbathon"

This past Saturday, October 3rd 2015, the Eagle Pass ISD Police Department's DARE/GREAT Officer Flores, participated in the Annual Candles For Life "Zumbathon" at the City of  Eagle Pass-Multipurpose Center. 

This event takes place to remember those that have lost the battle with cancer, celebrate the many over-comers, and encourage the ones who refuse to yield to this terrible disease.  Attached are a few pictures of the spectacular event.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Literacy Week at Glass

N. M. Glass Elementary held their Literacy Week from September 14-18, 2015.  Falcon students were active throughout the week with a variety of fun and engaging activities targeting literacy skills.  They concluded the week with a "Walk for Books" where the campus body cheered for everyone to read.  

Falcons LOVE Reading!

After the walk,  the campus came together and participated in a team activity where the ultimate goal was to show the falcons student body, that if we unite everyone achieves more! 
A huge thank you to the Glass guest readers for addressing the falcons on the importance of reading,  and encouraging them to love books.   
A special thanks to: 
  • Mr. Gilberto Gonzalez, Superintendent of Schools 
  • Mr. Rolando Salinas, Federal Programs Director
  • Officer Ricardo Flores, D. A. R. E. 
Thank you Glass Elementary for making the week's events  a total success!!!

EPISD.... It's Fire Prevention Week!

Since 1922, Fire Prevention Week (FPW) has been observed on the Sunday through Saturday period in which October 9th falls.  The National Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.  The event is used to teach the importance of fire safety. 

Every year during Fire Prevention Week the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) sounds the alarm about keeping our homes and our kids safe from fire. October 4–10 take time to discuss the importance of fire safety and the importance of having working smoke alarms in the bedroom.

Ocean Discovery Program

Memorial Junior High Science teacher, Alejandra Martinez, has been invited to participate as an Education and Outreach Officer on the International Ocean Discovery Program. She will sail aboard the JOIDES Resolution, an ocean drilling vessel that collects sediment cores.  She will be on board for two months beginning. She will board the ship in Columbo, Sri Lanka and get off in Port Luis, Mauritius December 1st, 2015 - January 30, 2016

JOIDES Resolution expeditions are typically 2-month long projects that aim to answer a set of scientific questions using sediment/rock samples and data collected from below the seafloor.  Each expedition includes a group of ~30 scientists, ~25 technical staff, and 65 crew who work together to achieve the expedition objectives.  Alejandra will serve as the education officer whose mission is to convey the excitement of International Ocean Discovery Program expeditions and the importance of scientific discoveries to the wider public.

Congratulations to MJH Science teacher Alejandra Martinez and the entire MJH campus