Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community. The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
December's Teacher of the Month is none other than Eagle Pass Junior High's Mr. Victor Pader. Mr. Pader is dedicated to helping his students and has shown excellent classroom management skills. He has developed a rapport with students, colleagues, and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. He is instrumental in setting a positive tone not only for the Math Department, but also the teaching staff. As an 8th grade Math teacher, he is innovative and charismatic in delivering his lessons. This type of delivery allows the students to feel included and productive. He is organized and has high expectations for all of his students. He is always prepared with various ways to assist learning and is openly available for morning and after school tutorials.
As a Department Head, his passion for insuring that all students meet state requirement is relentless. He works with his colleagues in identifying students' concern and creates unique plans to meet their needs. He also assists in developing classes and the curriculum for students who need additional help. He recently was awarded a grant from the EPISD Education Foundation to build and program robots. Mr. Pader's mission for this school year is to incorporate physics models through the Donor's Choose Program.
Mr. Pader is a valuable member of EPJ and assists in making decisions that affect curriculum and campus climate. Mr. Pader has been said to be essential in setting the tone and creating a professional environment. He is the prototypical teacher that makes EPJ an A-rated campus.
For all these reasons and more, Mr. Pader is Teacher of the Month.
A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of December detailing many more accomplishments of Mr. Pader. This month he will also appear on community media, news publications and the EPISD website throughout December 2018. A teacher will be selected each month through May 2019 for a total of eight (8) honorees. The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovative programs and techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.
Each T.O.M is receiving a “V.I.T (Very Important Teacher) Parking Pass”, a jean voucher for a month, 20 free meals at the Campus CafĂ©, and Class Cash to purchase class room supplies. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses. Thank You Ancira Ford–Eagle Pass, Ashley Furniture, and Peter Piper Pizza.