Monday, December 17, 2018

Unsung Hero is Appreciated at Winn

There are so many teachers that go above and beyond to help their students. 
With that being said, there are also so many unsung heroes that often go unnoticed.  
Wednesday, December 12th, students in Dual Credit Economics at C.C. Winn appreciated one hero, Mrs. Cardoza, classroom facilitator. 
Students waited until the day after finals to show how much Mrs. Cardoza meant to them. 
Mrs. Cardoza is appreciated by her students because as they put it "Mrs. Cardoza has always shown that she cared and wanted us to pass the class. She would remind us to turn in the assignment before it was due and the day it was due. If someone forget to submit the homework she knew who it was and would remind them the following day."  
Thank you Mrs. Cardoza for helping the students throughout the college course!