StuCo’s Pride and Patriotism Committee and Energy and Environment Committee, developed a project idea that was not only significant to those who received the gift, but also to the preservation of the earth and its resources. Student Council purchased small potted flowers to gift to the custodial and clerical staff on Friday, November 16th to show how “thankful” they are for all that they do and more.
Receiving extremely positive feedback from their heartfelt gifts, StuCo decided that they would continue to spread the love by purchasing and distributing more miniature roses to all the counselors, nurses, librarians, attendance officers and administration the week they returned from Thanksgiving break.
What started as a small project for the final day before the holidays, ended up going into the actual vacation days when StuCo officers personally visited the custodians working at the school during the break, and continued all the way through mid week after we returned back to school (Wednesday, November 28th).
Winn Student Council is looking forward to other appreciation projects this month of December that will help show their gratitude to the wonderful staff members of Winn.