Wednesday, December 4, 2019

WHS and EPH Welcome Guest Speaker

On Friday November 15th, 2019 the AVP class from Eagle Pass High School joined the AVP class at C C Winn High School for a guest speaker presentation. 
Kimberly Felan, the communication manager of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas came to Winn to present to all the talented young adults in both AVP classes to give them advice and insights to her profession. 
Kimberly Felan gave a presentation that showcased not only her success but also showed the students a sense of reality and obstacles. She told her amazing story that allowed the students to relate and have an idea of the things she had to overcome in order to get to where she is today. 
Along with an amazing and inspirational guest speaker, there was also a special birthday presentation for a very talented filmmaker, Eleazar Perez. 
Eleazar has been an inspiration to many students in both AVP classes so in attempt to showcase his amazing talents and skills, student Bernice Polendo put together a special birthday presentation for him that inspired everyone in the room! 
Additionally Mr. Fuentes, the AVP teacher at Winn organized the event along with provided food for the students and made sure the event ran incredibly smoothly. 
On behalf of the Winn AVP class, we hope to be able to have more events that join both schools together!
submitted by A Camarillo