Thursday, September 29, 2022

Lady Stallions Keep Winning Streak Alive

 Coach Hammack and Coach Salazar would like to congratulate the Stallion Volleyball Division 3 team for two consecutive wins. 

Keep up the momentum Stallions. Great job!

The girls would like to thank Mr. Leija for coming out and showing his support as part of the faculty. 

It means a lot to the students to see the staff come out and support the team. 

The girls were super excited and appreciate the support.

The team consists of the following athletes and everyone of them plays an important role in the team:

Lauren Krezdorn
Lyanna Hernandez
Savanna  Elizondo
Yolitzi Balderas
Alexi Zaragoza
Alessandra Galan
Sienna Duran
Noah Hernadez
Adamari Lopez
Victoria Chavarria
Edizbeth Goulburn

Again great job Stallions