Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Imagine Math Stallions

Mrs. Ramón would like to congratulate Julissa, Lina, Maya, and Camila from her 3rd grade class on passing 100 Imagine Math Lessons.

A special shout out goes out to Felipe and Lina for having passed over 200 Imagine Math Lessons

. They received a nice treat bag along with a special coupon to pick up a treat from Sweet Tweets! 

Congratulations to Casen and Bentlee on passing over 300 Imagine Math Lessons! 

These students have been working extra hard and it shows.  Both Casen and Bentlee got to enjoy a bag filled with treats from their teacher . 

And finally a special congratulations to Isaac Villa! 

He received both his 400 and 500 lesson reward from his teacher.

Isaac has continuously worked hard and maintained the top spot in Armando Cerna Elementary for most lessons passed. He has surpassed the 500 lessons mark and continues to work towards his next goal. 

Way to go Isaac! Go Stallions!