A Streetcar Named Desire was written in
1947 by Tennessee Williams. A play deals with a culture clash between two symbolic characters, Blanche DuBois, a pretentious, fading relic of the Old South, and Stanley Kowalski, a rising member of the industrial, urban immigrant class.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
and the play begins promptly at 7 p.m.
There is no admission fee.
"In past years, when we competed in
Laredo, the schools over there always filled up their auditorium and we always
felt that their applause and even standing ovations influenced the
judges. So, we really need a full audience and I think the teachers of
our actors and the staff at C.C. Winn would help us a lot. Please try to
join us and lend us your support. Thank you."