Thursday, May 23, 2019

Congratulations to Mrs. Ariana Santoyo: May Teacher of the Month

Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community.  The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
May's Teacher of the Month is none other than Rosita Valley Elementary's very own Mrs. Ariana Santoyo 
Mrs. Ariana Santoyo is someone who puts her whole heart into teaching! Her students know that they are her primary focus when they are in her classroom. She incorporates fun and interactive lessons that keep the students captivated at all times. For the past 12 years, she has reached the hearts of her students and instilled the love of learning in each of them.
Her leadership skills have no limits. She is currently serving as her campus' grade level chair and is pivotal in guiding the 4th grade team with her amazing practices. She cares for all students at Rosita Valley, regardless if they sit in her class or not. Her repertoire with parents is also key as she is constantly involving them in their child's learning by inviting them to her class for several activities during the year. Her room is warm and inviting and shows the time that she invests to make it the best environment for learning. The Roadrunner parents are always expressing how happy they are to have her as their child's teacher. 
Not only does Mrs. Santoyo go 100% during the work day, she also works with the students during tutorial. She makes extended-day learning worthwhile by reviewing concepts with enjoyable games and small group teaching. She has great management techniques in place that show an orderly, well-functioning classroom. She has also found success as the Math UIL Coach with most of her mathematicians placing year after year.
Mrs. Santoyo always has the classroom in mind and even when she is out for periods of time, she communicates with the substitute to make sure all is well in her classroom. She never turns her back on the Roadrunners and attends all school functions no matter the time they take place.
For all these reasons and more, Mrs. Ariana Santoyo is EPISD Teacher of the Month.

Each T.O.M is receiving a “V.I.T (Very Important Teacher) Parking Pass”, a jean voucher for a month, 20 free meals at the Campus Café, and Class Cash to purchase class room supplies. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.  Thank You Ancira Ford–Eagle Pass, Ashley Furniture, and Peter Piper Pizza.