Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Students defending or prosecuting their clients

On January 23, 2020, C.C. Winn students in Mrs. Idalia Salinas' PreAP English II classes read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee as their summer reading novel. In the novel, Atticus Finch defends Tom Robinson against the false assault accusations of Mayella Ewell who perjures herself on the stand. Another character, Arthur Radley, protects Atticus' children from being harmed by Bob Ewell by killing him. Students were given the choice to either defend or prosecute Mayella Ewell or Arthus Radley. They had to give two reasons why they were defending or prosecuting the character for their crimes as well as evidence from the book. They took on the role of an attorney and presented to the class their cases. Students gave their opening arguments, reasons, evidence, and closing arguments to their peers. The students gave outstanding presentations and really drove forth their arguments. Go Mavericks!
submitted by I Salinas