Wednesday, January 29, 2020

WHS's Drama Uses Block Technique

Tuesday, January 21, 2020,C.C. Winn High School's Drama Club had their final day of blocking. Blocking is a technique that marks the placement of each actor in each scene. Every year the Drama Club prepares and rehearses for the One Act Play, a UIL event that takes place every year. The play chosen by the drama club director Adolfo Flores goes by the name of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. In order to prepare for the competition the drama club has practice after school from 4 to 6, Monday through Friday. Tuesday marked the day in which the cast finalized the blocking part of the play. The cast is so invested in making this year's play the best one yet that they even practice after regular rehearsal hours. This year's cast is strong and dedicated to making this play go as far as possible in the UIL competition and make it to State. Their dedication and commitment to the competition is something to admire.
submitted by A Camarillo