The Leadership students were divided into four teams where each was assigned a TIDS cause; Texting & Driving, Drowsy Driving, Driving Under the Influence, and Click it or Ticket.
Each team was responsible for creating a team name, assigning roles, and designing their own booth and campaign materials.
These included videos, PowerPoints, banners, flyers, etc. with the ultimate goal of getting the most students to take the Teens in the Driver's Seat Pledge.
EPHS Student Leadership and Student Council hopes to make a difference by bringing awareness of the dangers teens face while driving. There have been too many young lives lost due to reckless and unsafe driving in our community. The Eagles hope that anyone that reads this will join them and take the TIDS Pledge and follows the five rules to Keep The Drive Alive.
"I make this pledge, both bold and brave, so someone’s life I will help to save. Watch my speed, stay awake and know the difference a drink can make. Buckle up and avoid distractions – like texting, cell phones – such deadly actions. Golden rules, simply five, strive to keep our drive alive."