The "Grito" commemorates 16 September 1810, when a parish priest in the town of Dolores in the State of Guanajuato, Miguel Hidalgo, rang the church bells and called his parishioners to fight for independence.
The movement for Mexican independence, officially proclaimed in 1821, had several precursors.
In the eighteenth century there were over 100 small, ill-advised rebellions, but none came close to realizing the goal of a Mexico independent of Spain and rule by criollos, or people of Spanish descent who were born in the colony of Nueva España, or New Spain.
The movement that began in 1810 was the first that attracted large numbers of the population, most notably the indigenous peasants.
Friday, September 15th, Robert E. Lee 6th grade Rebels from Mrs. Robledo's class celebrated Mexican culture by discussing the "Grito" and concluded their unit study by enjoying tasty Mexican dishes.
Way to go Rebels!