In light of the recent tragedies that
have occurred in schools throughout our country, EPISD would like to assure you
that student and staff safety will always be the utmost priority of the
district. We understand the fear that has begun to reside in our community and
the desire to become aware of our security measures. Please rest assured that
EPISD is and will always do what it takes to ensure student safety.
EPISD Safety Measures are as follows:
Police Officers assigned to secondary, elementary, and early
childhood campuses.
Every campus is featured with security systems. Elementary and
Early Childhood campuses require granted entry access and high schools have
checkpoints with Police Officers for screening.
Every campus has district approved crisis plans.
EPISD Police Department actively trains with local and federal agencies
in crisis response.
Local and federal agencies assist EPISD PD to monitor situations
and assist in possible threats.
EPISD investigates ALL threats and checks homes of individuals that
display inappropriate behavior, social media posts, or both.
EPISD encourages parents, students, and staff to report suspicious
or disturbing social media posts.
Anti-bullying and inclusionary campaigns (#IMPACT WEEK) are practiced
in all of EPISD schools to encourage respect.