Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Eagle Pass High School Student Council Members Find Their True North at Leadership Training

Eight Student Council Officers represented Eagle Pass High School as delegates to the Texas Association of Student Council’s summer leadership workshop at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas on July 23-27, 2018. During five days of rigorous training and project based learning, these students gained the tools and knowledge necessary to improve student council effectiveness at EPHS.  

The EPHS Student Council Officers for the 2018-2019 school year are; Jacqueline Gonzalez – president; Miriam Rodriguez – vice-president; Kimberly Macias – corresponding secretary; Mariana Gonzalez – treasurer; Sarah Perales – recording secretary; Kyle Luna – reporter; Mariana Sanchez-Perales – historian; and Alejandra Gomez – parliamentarian.

“It was a wonderful experience being able to attend and take part in this summer leadership workshop as it gave us the opportunity to interact and converse with other student councils in Texas. We’ve learned to strengthen our leadership potential by facing challenges and learning how to creatively solve those challenges by sharing ideas to make a positive impact. This experience has empowered our council as well as our fellow student leaders to go outside their comfort zone, find their true north and improve situations faced at school and in our community,” Stated Jacqueline Gonzalez, EPHS Student Council president.

The workshop theme of “Find Your True North” is based on the book by Bill George. It urges emerging leaders to recognize that leadership is not about them... but about serving others. “Transforming from I to We isn’t just important for reflection, it’s critical for success. Leaders who focus on helping others create stronger teamsbetter networks, and a better bottom line. Make your mission about others. In doing so, you’ll grower closer to your authentic self,” states Mr. George.

“We appreciate EPHS’ principal Mr. John Cox, for allowing us to attend this workshop. We intend to make full use of everything we learned,” adds Miriam Rodriguez, EPHS Student Council vice-president.

“Mrs. Carmen Castañeda, Student Council assistant adviser and I, are very impressed with this group of students,” said Student Council advisor Dolores Rodriguez.  “Our officers represented EPHS extremely well. In fact, Mariana Gonzalez, our treasurer, was voted president of her group and then she went on to audition and win a spot to sing in front of the crowd during the talent show. She did a wonderful rendition of Selena’s “Como la Flor”.  We are all very proud of her for going out on a limb and representing EPHS so well. We are very excited to begin the school year. We hope to be involved in more community service and do our share to make Eagle Pass an even better place.”

TASC is a non-profit serving high school and middle level student councils in Texas. Sponsored by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals, its purposes are to develop leadership abilities in students, promote democracy as a way of life, and establish and uphold high standards for local councils.  With almost 1300 member schools, it is the largest student council association in the United States.