Wednesday, October 24, 2018

EPHS Leadership Promotes Halloween Safety at Kennedy Hall

Tuesday, October 23rd, Eagle Pass High School Student Council spent the first of a two day stint presenting Halloween Safety tips at Kennedy Hall. 
Hawk Counselor, Marcela Madera, invited EPHS StuCo and Leadership students to create an informational bilingual PowerPoint to promote Halloween Trick or Treating Safety tips. The high school students performed a skit in full costume that modeled safe behavior such as looking both ways when crossing the street and introduced the children to the concept of "Stranger Danger." 
To end on a high note, the children were treated to a musical number based on the movie Hocus Pocus. 
The pre-kinder and kindergarten students were also encouraged to karaoke their favorite songs, dance to "Baby Shark," and compete for prizes. 

EPHS StuCo and Leadership would like to thank Mrs. Madera and Kennedy Hall for the opportunity to make these presentations. 
Not only do the children learn about safety, but the high school students get the chance to plan, organize, carry out an event, practice public speaking, and learn to problem-solve. 
All skills that are needed to deal effectively with the challenges of everyday life.