Monday, October 8, 2018

EPISD FFA Compete at Area

Eagle Pass ISD FFA competed at the Area Competition in Sinton, Texas at the Welder Wildlife Refuge.  
The Greenhand Plant I.D. team placed 1st overall out of 37 and the Chapter Plant I.D. team placed 2nd overall out of 59! The Land team also identified soil and placed 9th overall at area. 
Way to go FFA!
Keep up the great work!

Plant ID - Chapter
Gunner Purcell: 2nd place
Gerardo Galindo: 6th
Daniela Molina: 8th
Anamaria Guerra:  9th
Luisa Esparza: 13th
Marifer Santos: 16th 

Plant ID - Greenhand
Katherin Seturno: 2nd
Cassidy Garcia: 3rd
Adrian Levya: 4th
Karen Maldonado: 7th
Abigail Galindo: 8th
Emily Gutierrez: 10th

Chris Aza
Katrina Besa
Rachel Palacios 
Maya Martinez
Luis Guerrero
Janelly Melchor
Rodolfo Samaniego
Pablo De la Garza.