Sunday, October 14, 2018

WHS Nabs Education Foundation Grant

Monday, October 8th, Superintendent, Mr. Gilberto González, Mr. René Martínez, Federal Programs Director, along with other representatives from the Education Foundation, presented CC Winn English Teachers, Mrs. Mercer and Mr. Rocha with a $1000 check. 

In this fast paced world, the implementation of technology is crucial for the development of student creativity. 

The use of technology is becoming more commonly used in the classroom and at Winn High, teachers strive to open these opportunities for their students. 

The grant title is “The Filming of the Crew” and the purpose of this grant is to purchase video cameras that will enable students to expand their learning experiences by allowing them to create special projects. 

The cameras will be used to create re-enactments of literary works, investigative projects, research presentations, among other special projects. 

Winn administration is proud of the initiative that this team took to bring more opportunities to their students. Once more, congratulations Mrs. Mercer and Mr. Rocha!