Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Winn's Agriculture Mechanics Makes History

Help Maverick Nation give a big thundering Maverick shout out to Winn's High very own Agriculture Mechanics team for making history. 
Wednesday, April 17th, the Mechanics Agriculture team formed of Mark Garza, Aram Martínez, and Armando Tijerina competed in the Area competition of their discipline after advancing as first place of their district. 
The competition required skills in concrete, electrical wiring, and welding. 
These students put Winn High and Eagle Pass on the map by placing 3rd in the Area competition and being one of three teams to advance to state.

On May 3rd, the team, under the direction of Mr. Charles Purcell and Mr. John García, will travel to Huntsville, Texas to compete at the State level.