Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Leadership Academy of Texas

Monday, May 6th, Eagle Pass I.S.D. Counselors and Police Officers along with Maverick County Juvenile Probation and U.S.B.P. Community Liaison attended a very informative Leadership Academy of Texas training. 
Given by Klein I.S.D. Chief David Kimberly and TMPA Program Service Specialist Shannon Lowry. 

Academy Facilitators were trained on; restorative justice practices, adolescent brain development, the importance of community policing, and practical advice on how to build rapport with students.
Academy Facilitators became proficient in restorative practices and received instruction and guidance on how to properly implement and facilitate the Academy on their individual campuses.
After attending the Facilitator Training, the officer and counselor team are now able to start this program on their individual campuses.