Wednesday, October 9, 2019

EPHS Physics Pre- AP Engineering Challenge

On Friday, October 4th, students in Ms. Byrne's Pre-AP Physics at Eagle Pass High School were presented with their first Engineering Challenge! 
The students had 35 minutes to create a catapult that could launch a large marshmallow. 
The only stipulation was the students could only use 15 popsicle sticks and 10 rubber bands. 
The students worked in pairs and had to figure what design will give them the farthest launch. 
After building the catapults, the groups had to write a procedure explaining how they created their design. 
Lastly, the students went head to head in the hallway to see who had the best catapult! 
The winning group of Best Design and Farthest Launch was Samuel M. and Riggo P. with a launch of 4.0 m (13.1 ft)!
-Submitted by: J. Byrne