Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Silverline Hosts Fall Dance Clinic

On Thursday, October 17th, the Silverline Dance Team hosted their Fall Dance Clinic where girls from all different grade levels received the opportunity to experience the dance life.
The Silverliners choreographed the routines that were taught to the camp participants. After only two hours, girls learned the dance that would be performed at the halftime show on Friday night.
On Friday, October 18th, hand in hand, Silverliners and special guests stepped on the field and owned the half time show as they danced to "Timber" performed by the Thundering Maverick Band.
The girls did great and absolutely loved the opportunity to dance alongside the Silverline Dance Team.
Silverline members and sponsors would like to thank all parents who allowed their children to participate in this event.
Go Silverline! #welovewhatwedo

submitted by J Mercer