Tuesday, October 22, 2019

WHS and EPHS Unite on Nature Walk

After a successful trip to Alpine, Texas to promote the importance of storytelling through digital media, Mr.Fuentes invited Mr. Sanchez and the Eagle AVP program to the annual Seminole Canyon trip. 
On Wednesday October 9th, the two schools gathered at C.C. Winn High School to embark on a journey through nature. 
The students were able to capture pictures of nature at its finest. The hike gets to expose students to nature. 
The only assignment they were given for the day was to stay hydrated and take pictures or videos of the day to be able to bring back. Looking back on the trip, the students can reflect on the beauty of the outside world. 
Mr. Fuentes would like to thank Mr.Sanchez for accepting the invitation and for joining the Winn AVP team to create content that unites us as a district. 
He would also like to thank everyone who made the trip a success.
submitted by A Camarillo