At Winn High, students show their special teachers their appreciation.
On Friday, October 18th, Mrs. Lori Camarillo was the recipient of a thoughtful token of appreciation by one of her students.
This shows how much her students value her unconditional support.
This appreciation post is dedicated to a tremendous teacher who has impacted her students by creating a safe atmosphere in her classroom. Her students wanted to show gratitude for her devotion and commitment for giving them the tools they need to become the strong, outstanding individuals she knows they can be.
Her students thank her for being the inspiration they cherish with so much love.
The message she received read:" It is in times of distress you were there for me, and in times of happiness you set my worries free. I am beyond thankful to have made it this far but nothing would be possible without the beautiful souls that have given me the knowledge to succeed."
Great way to inspire your students, Mrs. Cam!
Go Mavericks!
submitted by A Camarillo