Friday, January 31, 2020

WHS's Unsung Hero

Bright and early Mr. Oscar Ponsopena comes to CC Winn High School every day and starts off his day greeting students. He is a custodian at Winn High School who has been working for the school district for the past eight years. He comes in everyday at 10 am and stays on campus until 7pm cleaning classrooms and picking up trash bins and properly disposing of them. Mr. Ponsopena says talking and interacting with students is what he loves about his job. He is a well-known and respected staff member at CC Winn and students are very grateful for all his hard work and dedication.
So grateful that on Wednesday, January 29th, Mrs. Camarillo's 2nd period class joined together and bought Mr. Ponsopena lunch. Mrs. Cam's students would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to the Maverick Nation. Go Mavericks!
submitted by A Camarillo