Eagle Pass ISD Service Advocate Recruiters attended two days of inservice in preparation for school year 2014-2015. In addition to the ESC Region 20 Migrant Program Certification Training held Thursday, September 25, they received extensive information the following day regarding an Overview of Migrant Program Duties and Responsibilities; Documentation & Evidence of Services; New Generation System and PEIMS Reports; Services for Homeless

A Services/Economically
Disadvantaged; Instructional Support
Services and Migrant District Wide
Pictured addressing the SARS is
Rolando Salinas, Federal Programs
Director. Assisting with the training
was Rodolfo Musquiz, Migrant
Program Coordinator, Gilberto
Sanchez, Bilingual/GT/Fine Arts
Director, Tracy Mynar-Melendrez,
Title I Evaluator, David Camarrillo,
Director for Instructional Services
and Lana Harper, Staff
Development/Parental Involvement.