Texas Education Agency announced the nominations of 25 Texas public schools back
in February after the school completed a rigorous application process through
the U.S. Department of Education.

Founded in 1982, Blue Ribbon Schools is a
U.S. Department of Education program that recognizes public and private elementary,
middle, and high schools where students perform at very high levels. In fact,
all schools that have were nominated for the 2014 honor, were selected as
exemplary high performing schools as measured by state assessments.
The National Blue Ribbon School award affirms
the hard work of students, educators, families and our community in creating
safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging content.
Secretary Duncan has invited two
representatives of Liberty Elementary School to Washington, DC where they will
be presented with a National Blue Ribbon plaque and flag as symbols of their
recognized status.
Congratulations to Liberty Elementary and
their commitment to excellence!