Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community. The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Eagle Pass High School's, Ms. Joyce King, is Teacher of the Month because of the qualities she possesses and her ability to stand out! She has given EPISD her services for the past 30 years by filling the hearts and minds of students with the knowledge necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world. In return, those students have shown her love, admiration, and respect that echoes far beyond the year or years that she taught them. Her students have remained a constant part of her life for years because they realized that she's invested more than just as a simple teacher of the subject. Instead, she's followed her students to games and/or performances both in and out of town to show them support.
As a former coach, Mrs. King realizes the importance of adult support in extra-curricular activities. She has also made herself available before and after school to offer students the extra help that they need to be successful in her class. It it not uncommon to find her in her classroom on a Saturday because the hours in a school day are just not enough to satisfy her personal schedule. She has sponsored the National Honor Society and upheld its rules and regulations to their highest standards. Upon entering this prestigious organization, ms. immediately made it known that she expected only excellence of those inductees in achieving their goals and even offered them the opportunity to grown as individuals by taking them to leadership trainigs. In essence, when students enter her presence they instantly become her kids, and they are treated with dignity and respect and are given the love that parents give to their own children.
As a colleague, she is a great asset to the math department, and her co-workers hold a deep admiration for her strong commitment to the department and of course, Eagle Pass High School as a whole. Her "two-cents" are always taken into account as she only ever offers what is best for all. Our teachers know this. Furthermore, at the beginning of every year, she volunteers her time in helping new staff members by presenting a workshop on classroom management skills that only her 30 years of service can offer. New teachers listen because they know that her years of service have amassed a vast knowledge of scenarios and techniques that can help them better their own classroom management.
Joyce King has given her heart and soul to this district for 3 decades. The pictures on her walls of her dozens upon dozens students and former students are testament to the difference she has made in their lives and at Eagle Pass High School.
Each T.O.M is receiving a “V.I.T (Very Important Teacher) Parking Pass”, a jean voucher for a month, 20 free meals at the Campus CafĂ©, and Class Cash to purchase class room supplies. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses. Thank You Ancira Ford–Eagle Pass, Ashley Furniture, and Usborne Books.