They sparkle and shine!
Every year, CC Winn's Silverline Dance Team Officers perform an officer routine that highlights and showcases only officers.
Friday, October 12th, the Silverline Officers performed to ¨Everybody¨ by the Backstreet Boys in honor of the Las Vegas inspired pep rally.
They dedicated their time and put in all their hard work to put on a show for the audience. Silverliners of the Week were also featured at the pep rally.
Silverliners of the Week were Junior Guadalupe Farias and Sophomore Eunice Cabrera.
These two dedicated and talented young ladies are a true talent.
Their dedication and effort to the team is very much appreciated.
Congratulations and keep dancing as if no one were watching!
Go Mavericks!
2018-2019 Silverline Officers:
Tanya Garcia- Captain
April Cordova- Co-Captain
Eunice Cabrera- Line Leader
Jimena Perez- Line Leader
Jackie Lara - Line Leader