Sunday, October 14, 2018

EPISD PD Represents at National Night Out

Eagle Pass ISD Police Department participated at the National Night Out on Thursday, October 11th.  
It was a smashing success!
K-9 Officer Martinez demonstrated his partner k-9 Scrapy to those visiting the EPISD PD booth.  
Officer Izanel De La Cruz, Officer Hector Gonzalez, and Officer Marco Diaz spoke about the added bike patrol that is within our department.  
All three address safety issues for bike riding to the children and adult audience.  
DARE Officer Michael Torralba gave out goodie bags for all the children present and spoke on drug free awareness.  
Officer Juan Guardiola dress as Daren the Lion for the children, which many took pictures with.  
Officer Sierra and Officer Botello volunteered their time after working their scheduled athletic event.   
"This event was a success and we were able to interact and answer question for the public.", said Assistant Chief of Police Ynosencio.   
He also stated, "I'd like to thank the EPISD Police Officers for their hard work and dedication in serving our children and community."