Friday, September 20, 2019

WHS Attends National Academy of Future Physicians

On Thursday, September 19th, two students from C. C. Winn High School, Leah Fuentes & Christopher Meza were presented by a an award of excellence certifying them with such successful completion of the Congress by Principal Mr. Jesus Diaz-Wever.
Lea & Christopher represented C. C. Winn High School and the State of Texas at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Boston, Massachusetts in June. 
Leah & Christopher were surrounded by many fellow high school students who share their passion, ability and potential. 
So many Delegates found new friends to help them reach their dreams and future colleagues with whom to collaborate. 
They watched live surgery and had a chance to question the surgeon in real time.
Congratulations go out to both students for their achievement.
-Submitted by: E. Santos