Friday, October 27th, C.C. Winn was filled with zombies and cheers as the student body gave Drama Club, the host of this week's pep rally, a warm welcome.

Orange and black streamers adorned the basketball hoops and scary anti-drug posters decorated the walls making the gym feel as haunted as a cemetery!
As always, the Silverline Dancers gave Winn a terrifying fright and great delight as they preformed their annual Halloween routine!
This year, Silverline rocked the gym as deathly brides!
Joining the grave rave, were the C. C. Winn Zombie Cheerleaders with an astonishing performance that did not disappoint the crowd.
The mornings special guests was Sam Houston's Cheer Squad that thoroughly enjoyed cheering on their Mavs!
In the celebration of Red Ribbon week, the Drama Club presented a scene of the play "Addict" which deals with young average teens battling the influences of drugs.
Great words of wisdom were said by one of our administers, Mrs. Aide Jimenez, " True Mavericks never give up!" With that said, the hosts of the pep rally this week, Ana Laura De la Garza and Drama teacher, Mr. Flores want to wish the football team good luck at their game and wish the band well as they battle for a spot at state!