Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Winn Drama Presents Animal Farm

As the lights dim for a spectacular Winn performance, the audience can see the curtain unfold and the set appear before thier eyes. 
On Monday, November 6th, C.C.Winn set out to see the production of "Animal Farm" put on by C.C.Winn's Drama Department under the direction on Mr. Adolfo Flores. 
This year was a record number for Winn as they took 750 students. 
Through the raw character talents displayed by the actors, the audience was able to see an all time favorite novel come to life. 
Winn would like to congratulate the cast and their very talented teacher, Mr. Flores, for their superb and audience packed performance. 

Samantha Cardenas: Narrator

Zaria Sanchez: Clover

Claudia Contreras: Muriel

Stephanie Inclan: Mollie/Minimus

Amanda Lee Martin: Snowball

Alejandra Zapata: Squealer

Aimee Villagomez: Boxer

Marcela Ramirez: Benjamin

Analaura De La Garza: Napoleon and Old Major