Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Winn Government and Economics Special Guest Speakers

Winn's Government and Economics teacher Mr. Randall and his 2nd  period class, had the honor to meet two army recruiting agents: Sergeant. Nuñez and Sergeant. Lopez, both from the Del Rio Recruiting Center. 
Both of the Staff Sergeants took turns in talking to the students and explaining information about the different career options and jobs that the U.S. Army provides for everyone. 
Accompanying the Sergeants were two local high school graduates which enrolled last year in the U.S. Army: Jorge Lopez from CC WINN High School and Maria Salazar from Eagle Pass High School. 
Both graduates are currently training for a specific job: Jorge as a pharmacist specialist and Maria as a communications technician. 
U.S. Army staff sergeants emphasized the fact that enrolling in the army does not necessarily mean that you will be in battle in case any war breaks out, which is a reason why many people choose not to enroll. 
However, the military guarantees not to ask for your service for battle unless you decide to volunteer. 
With this in mind, the students from Mr. Randall’s class now had a more positive and open-minded perspective on the military.
 At the end, Sergeants Nuñez and Lopez did a tremendous jobs in illuminating the students and providing them with different career options.