Friday, March 29, 2019

WHS StuCo Hosts Loteria

Wednesday, March 27th, members of the C.C. Winn Student Council hosted their 3rd Annual Lotería for the residents of the local "Centenario" free of charge. 
Students donated various items to help compile over 25 prizes to gift to all the winners at the loteria. 
The Housing Authority provided cookies and drinks for everyone playing and volunteering. 
The students' hugs and kind words were uplifting and extremely well received by all the residents who always appreciate the smiles and visits from the students. 
Student Council would like to thank everyone who donated prizes, lotería cards and bottle caps. 
A big thank you to the members who gave of their time to spend an evening of fun and friendship with seniors citizens who reside at the Centenario. 

EPHS Hosts Mini Concert

Friday, March 29th, the hallways of Eagle Pass High School were treated to a great end of 9 weeks surprise.
Junior Daniel De La Garza graced the halls with his raspy voice, harmonica, and guitar.
His raspy rendition of Whiskey Myers' Broken Window drew a large audience and a soulful conclusion to 9 weeks.
Congratulations Daniel on your wonderful talent!

Miners Prep for Parade

Thursday, March 28th, Seco Mines students and parents all lent a helping hand in preparation for the big Friendship Parade on Saturday, March 30th.
The group of Miners created beautiful floral decorations for the school's float.
Way to go Miners!

Tigers Treated to Read Aloud

Friday, March 29th, Graves Librarian Mrs. A. Libson prepared a great activity for Ms. Ferrer's 3rd class.
The students were first treated to a read aloud with Family Medicine PA-C Mrs. Elizabeth Alamillo.
Mrs. Alamillo read Keiko Kasza's "My Lucky Day" with the Tigers.
After their read aloud, the Tigers created their very own fox coloring page with Mrs. Alamillo's great help!
Principal Mrs. V. Soto Gonzalez and Mrs. A. Libson presented Mrs. Alamillo with a small token to thank her for taking time from her busy schedule to come read to the little ones! 
Go Tigers!

Cowboy Field Day

Friday, May 29th, Field Day arrived at Kirchner Elementary.
It was a day full of fun, smiles, and great team spirit at Cowboy Field.  
The Cowboys enjoyed their Field Day and embarked on some friendly competition! 
Go Cowboys!

Darr Attends Maverickville Meeting

Thursday, March 28th, Dennis Valdez from IBC Bank met with Darr Counselor, Ms. Sifuentes to discuss upcoming Maverickville events. 
The Mavs can’t wait for the store to open and start spending all the money they have earned throughout the year.
Way to go Mavs!

Mavericks Pick Perfect Attendance

Friday, March 29th, Ray Darr Elementary celebrated Mrs. Esquivel's 3rd grade class that had perfect attendance for the 11th week of the 3rd 9 Weeks.
Each student in the class was treated to a bag of popcorn.
Congratulations to all the students.
Maverick Country loves seeing you at school every day!
Keep it Mavericks!

Read On Darr

Friday, March 29th, Mrs. Ritchie's 6th grade class at Darr had the opportunity to log on and work on myON.
The Mavs wasted no time logging in and testing to reach their AR goals!
The students wanted to rack in as many points as possible before the weekend.
Go Mavs!

Darr Imagine Math Club

Thursday, March 28th, Ray Darr Lab Manager, Ms. Martinez welcomed a new class into the Imagine Math Club.
Mrs. Ritchie's 6th grade class reached an outstanding 600,000 math points and will be rewarded with a movie and pizza party!
Way to go Mavs!

Darr Represents at Parks and Rec Opening Ceremony

Thursday, March 28th, Darr participated in the opening ceremony for their softball and baseball 2019 season.  
For the last couple of weeks the boys and girls have been busy putting extra time and effort in honing their skills to be ready for their season.  
Ray H. Darr would like to wish their Division II softball team and their Division III baseball team good luck in their upcoming season.
Go out and play hard!  
Go Mavericks Go!
#student-athletes #buildingcharacter #teachingskillsandpride

Darr Think 50 Club

Ray Darr Computer Lab Manager, Ms. Martinez would like to congratulate the four newest Mavericks to join the Think 50 Club.
Thursday, March 28th, new students reached 50 lessons for Imagine Math.
As a reward for their success, they were awarded with 50 Mavericks dollars and Ms. Martinez printed out their Imagine Math Avatar in color and displayed in the lab.
Great Job Mavs!
Next stop: Think 100!
You Can Do IT!

Darr Imagine 30 Club

Ray Darr Computer Lab Manager, Ms. Martinez would like to congratulate the students for to join the Think 30 Club.
Thursday, March 28th, the students claimed this title for passing 30 lessons in Imagine Math.
As a reward for their success, they were awarded with 30 Maverick dollars, 30,000 bonus points, and Ms. Martinez printed out their Imagine Math Avatars and displayed in the lab.
Great job Mavs!
Next stop: Think 50!
You Can Do IT!

Liberty Represents at Parks and Rec Opening Ceremony

Liberty's Division III Eagle Softball Team was proud to represent their school this season with Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation at the Baseball/Softball Opening Ceremony on Thursday, March 28th. 
The Mighty Eagles have been practicing diligently and look forward to participating this season.
Go Eagles!

Ashley Morales
Brianna Escareno
Cassandra Escobar
Angelina Flores
Sofia Torres
Clarissa Villarreal
Erika Chavez
Haley Rodriguez
Krista Ruiz
Nayelly Velasquez
Yanelly Velasquez
Michelle "Flaca" Torralba
Head Coach: Torralba
Assistant Coaches: Torres and Escobar 

Tigers Hop To It

Friday, March 29th, Mrs. Guillot's class at Graves floated right into their lesson on frogs.
The students were eager to learn the life cycle, eating habits, and activities of frogs.
They were also tasked with a cut and paste activity.
Way to go Tigers!

Tigers Remember The Alamo

Friday, March 15, the 4th grade students at Graves presented their project over the Alamo.
Students were responsible in gathering facts about the Alamo and creating a report that noted important dates and historical figures.
They also had to make a 3D model of the Alamo
Way to go Tigers!

Tigers Bloom During Spring

Friday, March 29th, Mrs. Guillot's class at Graves was quite excited for Spring.
Mrs. Guillot wanted to make her bulletin pro-active so each student was challenged to create their own flower with their name
Mrs. Guillot is proud to say that her students completed the board together as mighty Tigers!
Go Tigers!

Tigers Reap Sweet Rewards

Friday, March 29th, Graves Elementary PTO celebrated Mrs. Camarillo's 1st grade class for having most parent participation at Literacy Night.
Each student in the class was treated to Blue Bell Ice Cream.
Congratulations to all the students and parents.

Go Tigers!

Tigers Hit Imagine Math Milestone

Congratulations goes out to Ms. Perez' 4th grade class at Graves for reaching their Imagine Math Goal twice.
The way the classroom goal is achieved is that the students donate the points they have earn by the 1000s and once the class reaches 600,000 points the goal is awarded.
Classes may earn 2 classroom goals a year and Ms. Perez' class tackled this feat incredibly.
The class met the goal on Friday, March 29th.
Great job Tigers!

Tigers Cooperate

Thursday, March 28th, Mrs. Rodriguez' 5th grade class at Graves grouped up!
The Tigers worked in cooperative reading groups to discuss the important events from their story and share its story structure.
Cooperative reading groups are used when students are asks to read a chapter or part of a text and as a group develop meaning and produce a product that shows understanding of the reading.  
Each person in the group is assigned a role, and the success of the group is dependent on whether or not each person fulfills their role in the group.
Go Tigers!

Tigers Represent at Parks and Rec Opening Ceremony

Thursday, March 28th, Graves Elementary joined the City of Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation's Baseball/Softball Opening Ceremony.  
The Tiger teams weren't the only ones ready to play at the ceremony, the Tiger mascot was also ready to compete!
Graves would like to congratulate their mascot for an awesome job at the Mascot Race!
Good luck this season Tigers!

Tigers Hit Imagine Math Milestone

Congratulations goes out to Mrs. Valdez' 6th grade class at Graves for reaching their Imagine Math Goal.
The way the classroom goal is achieved is that the students donate the points they have earn by the 1000s and once the class reaches 600,000 points the goal is awarded.
Classes may earn 2 classroom goals a year .
The class met the goal on Friday, March 29th.
Great job Tigers!

Tigers Reap Math Rewards

Imagine Math held a challenge on Tuesday, March 26th for all students that competed and passed 2 lessons from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Wednesday, March 27th, Graves Elementary recognized the Tigers who worked at home and passed the required lessons plus more!

Way to go Tigers!

Darr Sends Off Mavs

Friday, March 29th, Darr wished Maverick Cheerleaders Avygael Montalvo, Alessandra Castro, Melannie & Natalie Martinez the best of luck in their Cheer competition with Leones in Monterrey!
These young ladies demonstrate great attitude and grades.
For all they do for the school, they were recognized and applauded!

Bulldogs Represent at Parks & Rec Opening Ceremony

Thursday, March 28th, Benavides participated at the City of Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation's Baseball/Softball Opening Ceremony.  
The Bulldogs are proud to announce that they were awarded Most Spirited at the event and send a special congratulations to Mr. Abner Carrillo for winning the 2nd Annual Mascot Race at Moncada Field.
Way to go Bulldogs!

Darr Millionaires

Ray Darr would like to welcome their newest Millionaire to the club, 4th grade Maverick David Valdez.
Students that have read a million words are eligible for this elite club.
David's teacher Mrs. Heady, Principal Ms. Chacon and Librarian Ms. Casares would like congratulate him for reading 1,005,007!

For his reading success, he was awarded a Fire 7 Tablet.
Way to go David!

Darr Donates

Friday, March 29th, Mrs. Heady's 4th grade class at Darr Elementary did their part to help out Student Council's Can Food Drive.
Mrs. Heady's students are in the giving spirit and they wanted to donate as much as they could to fill up the Food Pantry. 
Go Mavs!

Bobcats Represent at Parks & Rec Opening Ceremony

Thursday, March 28th, Henry B. Gonzalez the City of Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation's Baseball/Softball Opening Ceremony.  
The Bobcats would like to send a special congratulations to their Mascot for participating in the 2nd Annual Mascot Race at Moncada Field.
Way to go Bobcats!

Birthday Bliss at Darr

It was a Birthday Celebration at Ray Darr.
Thursday, March 29th, the staff was welcomed with a nice breakfast of delicious tacos and birthday cake.
The breakfast was in honor of all staff that has had a birthday from January to March.
Every staff member that have had a birthday were given a goodie bag.
Go Mavs!

EPHS Counselor Treats Teacher

Friday, March 29th, Eagle Pass High School Counselor, Mrs. Ruth Calderon, surprised World Geography teacher, Ms. Lucia Gonzalez.
Ms. Gonzalez has helped the EPHS in many different aspects this year and Mrs. Calderon wanted to treat her to a small token of appreciation for all the hard work she puts in.
She was treated to an updated World Map!
With countries changing names, and the ever changing world; she was happy to receive this gift.
Go Eagles!

EPHS Color Guard Presents Icarus

Friday, March 29th, Ms. Meza and her award-winning EPHS Winter Guard proudly presented their outstanding show "Icarus" to family, friends, and staff. 
The performance took place at 8:00 a.m. in Eagle Pass High School's big gym. 
The group has worked countless hours to prepare and performed for their loved ones before they loaded the buses for Brownsville, Texas.
EPHS applauds Guard for all their hard work and dedication! 
Good Luck Eagles!   

Lady Bobcat Division III Softball

Henry B. Gonzalez would like to wish good luck to the Division III Bobcats Softball Team as they kick off their season Thursday, March 258th. 
The Lady Bobcats have put in countless hours of practice and hard work to show everyone what the Bobcats can do.
Have a great season players and coaches!
Way to go Bobcats!

Rebels Wish for "Some-bunny" Special

Dear Easter Bunny,
Robert E. Lee Rebels have an "egg-stra" special wish for this year . . . could  you please fill their basket with health, happiness, and kindness for everyone?
Thursday, March 28th, Easter spirit exploded in Rebel Country!
The Rebels are using the upcoming holiday to continue their promotion of friendship.
They are inviting students to take the opportunity to take pictures with the baskets, bunnies, and friends available on campus.
Go Rebels!

Practice Makes EPHS Perfect

Eagle Pass High School's Diamond Dance Team does not mess around!
Thursday, March 28th, preparation was at an all time high as the Diamonds will be representing their campus in the upcoming Friendship Parade on Saturday, March 29th.  
EPHS applauds them for all their hard work and dedication to their craft.
Go Diamonds!

Practice Makes EPHS Perfect

Eagle Pass High School's Symphonic Band is ready to win big!
Thursday, March 28th, preparation was at an all time high as the Eagles will be competing at the upcoming Concert and Sightreading contest on April 15th - 17th.  
EPHS wishes them the best of luck in their pursuit of success!
The Symphonic band is under the direction of Head Band Director, Mr. David Solis.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tigers Log On

Thursday, March 28th, Mrs. Camarillo's 1st grade class at Graves had the opportunity to log on and work on myON.
The Tigers wasted no time logging in and testing to reach their AR goals!
The students wanted to rack in as many points as possible before the cut off for the Top Class and Student.
Go Tigers!

WHS Shark Tank

Thursday, March 28th, C.C. Winn students in Mrs. Flores’s English II class, presented their persuasive projects, which resembled the TV show, Shark Tank.
Students created their own invention and presented the idea to their classmates, who acted like investors.
The students enjoyed presenting products that made life simpler using persuasive techniques such as, ethos, pathos, logos.
The students were able to practice STAAR reading strategies for their English II exam, coming up soon on April 11th.
They put their knowledge into action by using formal presentation skills and creative ideas.
The students worked diligently these past few weeks to create interesting and innovative products. 
Mrs. Flores is very proud of all her students and wishes them the best of luck on the day of the exam. 

Miner Picture Day

Say Cheese!
Thursday, March 28th, Seco Mines Elementary hosted their annual picture day.
The Miners came dressed for the occasion and smiled brightly for the camera.
These are going to be some sharp looking shots!
Miner Country would like to thank Strawbridge for taking such beautiful pictures.
Go Miners!

EPHS Library Presents New Books

Attention Eagle Pass High School Students!
Please visit your campus library to check our your newly added titles! 
Don't forget to bring your ID card and you can check out up to three books. 
It will help you read, write and test successfully! 
Loans are for two weeks! Indulge in a new book today!
Help yourself! READ!

New Titles as of March 28th
Dr. Seuss Collection
The Wicked King by Holly King
Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

EPHS Brainstorms

Thursday, March 28th, Eagle Pass High School Administration had a great brainstorming session.
The purpose of the meeting was to plan and organize credit recovery activities for their senior students.
A special thanks to the library staff for all their cooperation and help.
Go Eagles!