Monday, September 23, 2019

Cougars Tackle AR

The Accelerated Reader program is an amazing reading tool that English teachers at Sam Houston Elementary take great advantage of! 
In an effort to promote student achievement and higher testing scores on the AR, Mrs. Torres-Hernandez began a new incentive program for her students outside of point accumulation. 
In order to reward students who consistently score above 80% on their AR exams, Mrs. Torres gave students an AR Goal Awards tracker. 
After 10 hundreds on AR, students receive a small reward. 
This has helped students' motivation to score 100 on their exams and helps promote more thorough active reading. 
Mrs. Torres is proud of her Cougars and hopes they will all be above exemplary averages by the end of the 9 weeks! 
Go Cougars!
-submitted by: D. Martinez