Thursday, September 19, 2019

WHS Striking Silver Guard

CC Winn's Striking Silver Guard celebrated a major milestone Friday, September 13th....having the largest guard membership in Winn High School history-31 members! 
Thanks to the foundation laid by former Colorguard Instructor Mr. Carlos Vela, the guard program has continued to grow. 

The current Colorguard Instructor, Mrs. Veronica Alva-Rodriguez is thankful to Mr. Vela for his many years of dedication to the program and is looking forward to working with the force that is the Striking Silver Guard.
The leaders of this powerful group are: Berenice Polendo, Captain, Alejandra Rodriguez, Co-Captain, Allison Martinez, Co-Captain, Yatzel Huitron, Drill Instructor, and Leslie Esparza, Drill Instructor.
Guard also extends its congratulations to Carmen Lopez and Jazmin Herrera, Janessa Carrizales and Evelyn Corpus for their Guard Member of the Week recognitions.

-Submitted by: V. Rodriguez