The month of April was filled with fun and excitement for Eagle Pass' FFA chapter. Five different competition teams traveled across Texas and brought home multiple awards.

April 29th found the Farm Business Management and Forage teams in Huntsville competing at the State Career Development Events Competition. Farm Business Management involves mathematics in economics where students must
know and be able to solve problems. The Farm Business Management team composed
of Naila Telles, Karina Garcia, Julieta Leija De Leon, and Hanna Wauson. Forage involves students to
be able to identify grasses and other plants eaten by animals. The team was composed of Thaliza Martinez, Chris Aza, Orlando Nava, and Shawnee Betancourt. Forage and FBM placed 36th and 41st respectfully at the State Level.
Finally on the last day of travel and competition, April 30, the Meats team traveled to College Station to compete at the State Level for the first time since 2010. Meats competition involves
students to identify and place various cuts of meat from beef cattle. Team
members included Sebastian Adan, Karina Garcia, and Eduardo De La Garza who
placed 48th at the State Level.
Congratulations FFA! Way to show Texas what EPISD is made of!