Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mavericks Win 3 Education Foundation Grants

C.C. Winn is proud to announce that their English Department received not only one, nor two, but three Educational Foundation Grants! 
The English II team consisting of Mrs. Rebecca Mancha, Miss. Alejandra Cruz, Mrs. Martha Leija, Mrs. Marvelia Flores, Mrs. Ursula LeVine, and Mr. Eduardo Hurtado collaborated on 'The Maverick Grant' which will allow students to publish their own work. 
The English IV team made up of Mrs. Angelica Camarillo, Mrs. Josie Mercer, Mrs. Veronica Alva-Rodriguez, and Mr. Rey Rocha collaborated to purchase technology for their Renaissance Production in a grant known as 'More Sound, Less Fury' Grant. This equipment will enhance students’ performances and the works of William Shakespeare will be better appreciated by the audience in attendance. 
Lastly, Mrs. Angelica Camarillo worked on the 'Take Me cHrOME' Grant which will allow her students in her English Dual Credit classes  to treat a Chrome book like a library book. Through this grant, students will be allowed to check out a Chrome book to take home when needed. 
C.C.Winn takes pride in working together to help our students achieve success. 
The Mavericks are proud of these hardworking teachers for their commitment to the students they teach! 
Go Mavericks!