Monday, October 9, 2017

WHS Striking Silver Guard Shines at Capital City

Saturday, October 7th, CC Winn's Striking Silver Color Guard, under the instruction of Mr. Carlos Vela, won 1st place at the Capital City Marching Festival. 
They dominated the competition earning well over 100 score points over the other programs. 
This is a great feat, especially considering that most of the Maverick Striking Silver Guard performers are first year members and this weekend was their first set of competitions ever.
Guard captains are Laura Rivera, Berenice Polendo, and Corina Garcia.

Guard members: Cristela Alejos, Arianna Barrientos, Karyme Carrillo, Stephanie De La Cerda, Diana De La Garza, Lyzbeth Escamilla, Leslie Esparza, Sabine Flores, Carina Galvan, Ally Garcia, Briana Garcia, Montzeratt Garza, Denisse Herrera, Jovanna Ibarra, Rashawna Martinez, Esmeralda Ontiveros, Alejandra Parra, Susy Perez, Alejandra Rodriguez, Lesslie Rosas, Esmeralda Suarez.