Thursday, November 29, 2018

Winn's NHS Prepare for December Community Service

Wednesday, November 28th, CC Winn's National Honor Society held their bi-weekly meeting.
They called on some of their members to speak about prior events they participated in during the Thanksgiving Break, such as the annual Feast of Sharing and the Buddy Foundation Softball Tournament.
They also discussed upcoming opportunities for community service which included Christmas on Main Street and the Wintergarden Women’s Shelter Christmas Party.
NHS sponsor, Mr Laurence, spoke about how the organization can help the community during the holiday season.
The group proposed ideas for a food drive for the local food bank and a blanket drive for the Buddy Foundation and Project Companion.
Plans for the upcoming visits to elementary schools for Guiding Angels were also arranged.
NHS strives to serve the community selflessly!
Keep up the good work CC Winn NHS!