Tuesday, November 6, 2018

WHS Senior Recognized by Teens in the Driver Seat

Teens in the Driver Seat® is the first peer-to-peer program for teens that focuses solely on traffic safety and addresses all major risks for this age group.  
This program was first started in 2002 and C. C. Winn High School has been an active campus with this organization for many years.
Teens help shape the program and are responsible for implementing it and educating their peers and parents; Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) provides the science, guidance and project resources.
Teens in the Driver Seat® is available to high schools in California, Georgia, Idaho, Nebraska, Colorado, and Texas. Additionally, the junior high school program is available in Texas and Georgia.  
Over 1,300 schools now have implemented the Teens in the Driver Seat® program, reaching over one million teens.
Teen of the Month is someone who stands out in his/her Teens in the Driver Seat® group. He/She motivates other Teens in the Driver Seat® members, and spreads the safe teen driving message whenever and however possible.  
Wednesday, October 24th,Maverick Senior, Nayeli Rodriguez, was selected to represent teens from across Texas and was even featured on the Teens in the Driver Seat website and Facebook page!  
Way to represent Eagle Pass Nayeli, and congratulations to the C. C. Winn Student Council for their continued work with this program for teens over the years.