Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mavericks Set Goals

Senior year is all about setting goals and making them happen. Graduation day is fast approaching and for the Maverick Class of 2019, these goals are becoming more real. 
Monday, August 27th, the seniors in Mrs. Mercer’s class at Winn were asked to reflect on what their short term and long term goals are. Through this ice breaker, students realized that the end of this journey is near and this realization filled their eyes with excitement and their hearts with hope. 
Tuesday, September 4th, students have shared these goals with their classmates. 
This activity has allowed them to set expectations for themselves while allowing them the opportunity to encourage each other. 
In doing so, they have come one step closer to accomplishing their goals. 
C. C. Winn High School wishes their Maverick Seniors an outstanding year!