Wednesday, September 5, 2018

WHS Continues to Beautify Campus

A successful campus relies heavily on faculty and staff working as a team. 
Winn High School prides itself in the unity created by the teamwork put forth by everyone on campus. 

Upon coming back from a restful summer, the C. C. Winn Maverick staff was surprised to find the beautified teacher lounges. 
The idea behind that project was to bring positivity to the teacher work areas. 
Taking it a step further were Mr. Charles Purcell and Mr. Rey Gonzalez, who worked together to add a rustic touch to this project. 

Monday, September 3rd, the project was completed!
Once again, the Maverick staff received a most pleasant surprise as they admired the special touch that the tables that Mr. Purcell and Mr. Gonzalez built brought to the teacher lounges. 

Thank you, Mr. Purcell and Mr. Gonzalez for your hard work and dedication. 
And thank you for proving once more that C. C. Winn High School is indeed, all about teamwork.